Fay (20 Mar 2022)
"Predictive Programming from 2015. WOW!"


A must see from the Economist magazine cover of 2015. Covered in detail by the very clever Vigilant Citizen.

Take note of Obama and Putin dressed exactly the same. Take note of the ghost next to Obama - with a magazine titled "Holiday". Hmm. So Obama has simply taken a holiday? But is controlling things behind the scenes in a ghost-like form? Note the Cheshire Cat on the other side of Obama. 1st link. In the 2nd link is an article about Lewis Carrol's Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. The Cheshire Cat appears and disappears at will. He engages Alice in in amusing but perplexing conversation (the gender bending nonsense Obama introduced to the world ...anyone?) The Cheshire Cat is an incredibly apt description of Obama.

There are many, many details in this particular magazine cover. For instance, the Pied Piper of Hamlin is associated with plague. Note the dates on the arrows. One date being 11.3. That date is synonymous with the supposed outbreak of covid as well as the Japan disaster of 2011. The details are numerous and well worth noting.

