This Iran nuclear deal has the story of Purim written all over it. The evil Haman of Persia had a deal with the king of Persia that he could organise an attack on the Jewish people and kill them. Through the actions of Mordechai and Esther, the kings decree was reversed and the deal Haman had with the king was turned on Haman and his family.
Obama signed the original JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal) agreement on May 22nd, 2015. Donald Trump pulled the USA out of the agreement on May 8th, 2018. This was 6 days before Israel's 70th birthday. The 70th birthday was marked by Trump standing in Jerusalem and formally declaring recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The king's decree was reversed. Almighty God's hidden hand was obvious.
Purim was all about Mordechai and Esther fasting, praying and pleading with the king. I wonder if this rush for a new nuclear deal with Iran will be signed on Purim? If it is - the prophetic implications are enormous. And if is signed before Purim, with Purim so close this March - the prophetic implications are huge.
The fact is that all the world powers are determined to have this deadly deal signed as soon as possible. They are all of one mind on this. Regardless of what is happening in Ukraine. A deadly (to Israel) deal that will have Haman's hatred written all over it, is being concocted.
A very informative article in the link. No matter how much I try and read about the supposed "positives" of this deal - it remains mind-boggling.