Fay (13 Mar 2022)
"There's no more Holding those Horses!"


WOW! Things are being revealed. Thick and fast. After reading the article, see the short, shocking video clip. This is the lead Russian negotiator for the Iran nuclear deal talks - Mikhail Ulyamov. He's bragging about how Russia, Iran and China teamed up to deliver huge wins for Iran's nuclear programme in Vienna negotiations. I have quoted directly from the article.

Russia, China, the EU, NATO and the USA are all demented to get this deal done in a hurry. The Russia/Ukraine crisis has not deterred them from getting the deal signed and sealed. The only things stopping the deal thus far appear to be financial/ sanctions details. Russia, China and Iran are patting themselves on the back for getting far more than they expected. It's not that the USA and the EU don't want the deal because it's obvious they do. They just didn't want to pay such a large price for it. They are ALL in cahoots over this deal. Why?

Because they want Iran to attack Israel using her proxies. They want Iran to do their dirty work for them. The macho battle going on in Ukraine is all about them battling for supremacy and the right to rule from Jerusalem. They don't care how many people get killed in the process. The Iran deal is important to them all. It serves to kill millions of Jews as well as keeping the Middle East destabilized.

We must watch out for the announcement that the JCPOA has been signed. The minute we hear that news is when we know the green light has been given. It will only be a matter of a short time before Iran attacks Israel. Putin has pulled a chess move that has hastened everything up. They are all in a hurry now.

We are edging ever closer, Doves. Watch for news of the signing of JCPOA agreement. Perhaps it will be completed by Friday March 11th? If not before.
