Fay (13 Mar 2022)
"Proof of Deception  2"


Take note of the Pinocchio nose behind Putin, in this image. Take note of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse Take note of the space junk that hit the moon on March 4th (top right hand corner)

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Take note of the above image. The statue erected at the U.N. They KNOW what Bible prophecy predicts, Doves. This is not a game of chance. I urge you all to read the article in the link below. It explains a lot. It may seem long but the images and ideas will resonate. The reality is that Almighty God is warning us all about the things predicted in the Bible. The truth is that He creates everything (including evil) and controls everything (including evil). Isaiah 45;7. All these things are sent to give us hints as to where we are in the timeline to our beloved Messiah. True faith means that we need not be afraid - in the slightest.
