Fay (13 Mar 2022)
"Chernobyl Terror Plot."


Well, well, well. Headlines in the UK media today - Friday March 11th. The media have gone into over-drive with the propaganda. This particular headline is about the Russians using Chernobyl as creating a "man-made" catastrophe, using the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This comes hot on the heels of the Russians releasing documentation of the USA Bio-labs dotted around Ukraine and all around the world. Then we were treated to Boris Johnson telling us that Russia is planning a false flag attack using the USA Bio-labs - because "this is straight out of the Russian playbook". MAN - they are all worse than the kids from Lord of the Flies. Lying *Bleeps*.

They are all deceiving and being deceived. This a a huge game of "chicken" for them. It's going to get worse. Buckle up for the ride, Doves. Never forget that Almighty God is always in full control. He has not only seen the end from the beginning - He has forewarned us. We have no need to be afraid.
