Fay (13 Mar 2022)
"Good Cop, Bad Cop"


Have a close read of this JPost article, John and Doves. WHY are they so eager to cut a nuclear deal with Iran? According to this article, Russia now has the upper hand in the Iran deal. They are all jostling for position in this illogical nuclear deal. Until people understand that these machinations are all about getting Iran to strike Israel, the entire subject is confusing.

Iran is the only nation that is willing and able to launch a brazen strike against Israel. Iran's mullahs have the hatred - the malevolence. Making them the perfect tool to carry out these satanic plans. Iran has never made any secret of their desire to wipe Israel off the map. If (when) Iran attacks Israel, it will appear as a logical and expected attack. The world powers can't launch an attack on Israel because it wouldn't make any sense to world opinion. PLUS - it's Biblical. It will Amalek who will be used to start the process. Russia and the USA (plus the European Union) need Iran to do the dirty work for them. Iran knows it too. Problem is that they got too greedy and they didn't account for Donald Trump's presidency. Iran is now in a position to up the ante - except Russia has now backed them into a corner. Iran wants to launch the attack but they want to be paid - BIG - to do it. It should strike everyone as highly suspicious that the Iran nuclear deal talks are such high priority - even with the escalating war in Ukraine going on. It's plain bizarre - until viewed with scriptural eyes.

These set-backs are all by the Hand of God. Israel has very little time left to repent voluntarily. To honour the Sabbath and keep the laws of the Torah. A day is coming when they will be forced to repent. And like the parable of the Prodigal Son - Almighty God will welcome them back with open arms.

Prophecy is coming alive.
