Chance (20 Mar 2022)
"Arthur C Potential Rapture Timeline and Vernal/Spring Equinox 2022"

Hello Arthur C, Doves and John,
Arthur C - I certainly like your timeline a lot better than Ken Johnson's - he thinks we have another Jubilee of years to go!  Not liking his timeline at all. :)
I don't know about the use of a 360 day calendar, but your numbers match up with the April date or close to that many of us are looking at for the Rapture/start of the Tribulation, this year.
Your study uses the Vernal Equinox per Ken Johnson's theory for the 'creation date' 1 Nissan, 3925 B.C. (March 21, 3025 B.C.).  I know the whole timeline relies on the accuracy of this date.
My personal favorite date for the prophetic clock starting again is 10 Nissan...April 10/11.
I have read that 1 Nissan/the start of a new biblical year, was to begin on the calendar with the first new moon after the Vernal Equinox (Jospheus wrote about this.)  If that is the case...the Vernal Equinox is March 20, 2022  - and the first new moon after that is April 1 - 1 Nissan.  
You wrote in your letter, "Therefore, April 1st or close to that date could possibly be the start of year 5993."  So your calculations for April 1 fit perfectly with the biblical calendar starting with the first new moon after the Vernal Equinox.  And I hope the year, 2022, is correct too. 
Appreciate you doing the math and presenting your "potential timeline for April 1, 2022".  Thank you.
The Persian New Year starts on March 20, 2022 - "Nowruz is literally translated as "new day" and acknowledges the spring equinox and the beginning of the Persian, Iranian, and Muslim New Year.  So their new year begins on Monday.
The new Iran nuclear deal is close to being signed - "Iran has a national holiday that starts on Monday that lasts nearly two weeks and so it may well be the case that the political leaders want to get this issue done in the next 48 hours or so, and that's certainly our hope."
Iran nuclear deal 'could be agreed within 48 hours': report
Watch for the Iran nuclear deal or JCPOA being signed Sunday, March 20, 2022.  ??
Sunday, 3/20. is officially the first day of spring marking the Vernal Equinox.
Vernal Equinox marks official start of Spring season | WWLP
The Vernal Equinox time in Jerusalem is Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 05:32 PM  Vernal Equinox Sunrise - 05:43 AM and Vernal Equinox Sunset - 05:50 PM
"Equinox brings seasonal celebrations throughout Europe"
Equinox brings seasonal celebrations throughout Europe | Stars and Stripes