The first letter on the ‘QWERTY’ keyboard is the ‘Q’ and its uppercase ASCII code is 81. The ASCII code for the lowercase ‘q’ is 113. >From Purim on 3/16/2022 to Pentecost, Shavuot and the 55th anniversary of the Six Day War on 6/5/2022 will be 81 days. >From 6/5/2022 to Rosh Hashanah 5783 on 9/26/2022 will be 113 days. How can it be a coincidence that these two precise time periods between these three significant Jewish/Christian holidays be hidden in the first letter of the 'QWERTY' keyboard used around the world?
The ‘Q’ is the 17th letter of the English alphabet. The 17th triangle number is 153. 113 is the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’, the 31st prime number and the 9th number within the ‘Prime Cube’: 9 + 31 + 113 = 153.
When 81 and 113 are the two different sides of a rectangle then its diagonal is 139. The perimeter of this rectangle (388) plus one diagonal equals 527 (Jared’s age when Enoch was taken). 388 plus both of the diagonals equals 666. This 666 is the total of all 6 values. The average of these 6 values is 111, or 3 x 37. 666 is the sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for ‘HOLY BIBLE’. 666 is also the sum of the first 9 Hebrew/Greek gematrias and the first 9 uppercase ASCII codes for ‘A’ to ‘I’ > ‘AI’ > ‘Artificial Intelligence’.
The ratio of the short side of 81 to the long side of 113 is: 1 to 1.395. 395 is the only gematria shared by Genesis 1:1 and the Breastplate. 395 is the gematria of the 5th word of Genesis 1:1 (‘heaven’) and the 11th tribe name on the Breastplate (‘Manasseh’).
527 plus 666 equals 1193. 1193 is the last of the first four prime numbers in row 14 of my ‘Prime List’. They are: 41, 373, 761 and 1193. They total 2368 – the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’.
The 388 rectangle perimeter minus its two diagonals (278) equals 110. There were 110 stories in each of the Twin Towers.
The ASCII code 55 is the number '7' and the ASCII code for the number '5' is 53: 53 (5) + 53 (5) + 7 = 113.
Definition of ‘Q” taken from:,in%20Matthew%20and%20Luke%20that%20bear%20close%20
1. The 17th letter of the modern English alphabet.
2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter q.
3. The 17th in a series.
4. Something shaped like the letter Q.
5. Q A hypothetical lost manuscript, consisting largely of sayings of Jesus, that is believed to have been the source of those passages in Matthew and Luke that bear close similarity to each other but not to parallel passages in Mark.
Another definition taken from “In Christian theology, Q has been used since 1901 to signify the hypothetical source of passages shared by Matthew and Luke but not in Mark; in this sense probably it is an abbreviation of German Quelle "source" (from Old High German quella, from the same Proto-Germanic source as Old English cwiella, cwylla"spring; well"). In Middle English accounts, it is an abbreviation of quadrans "farthing" (mid-15c.). In Roman personal names it is an abbreviation of Quintus.”
A brief history of the ‘QWERTY’ keyboard:
The ASCII codes for the 26 uppercase ‘A’ to ‘Z’ are 65 to 90 and for the 26 lowercase ‘a’ to ‘z’ the codes are 97 to 122. Six code values from 91 to 96 fall in between these two sets of 26 letter values and their sum is 561. The 27th and final Hebrew/Greek gematria value is 900. 561 plus the Hebrew gematria value of 900 equals the 1461 days in four years (one Presidential term). 1461 is also the sum of the three prime numbers that make up the horizontal bar of my ‘Prime Cross’. 1461 plus the Greek gematria value of 900 equals 2361 which is the sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers.
When 561 is the radius of a circle then each side of a square within that circle is 793 – the Hebrew gematria of ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’. When 561 is the diameter of a circle then the perimeter of the golden rectangle within that circle is 1544 – the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Lord Jesus Christ’. Each 180 degree arc of this circle is 881 – the 153rd prime number and the last point of my ‘Prime Cross’.
I sent an early version of this letter to Steve Wilkin on 3/11/2022. The timing was definitely from the Lord. Here is a portion of his reply:
BOB, The timing of you sending me this email today is really fascinating, because it was also just today that I
was looking at the MARK OF THE BEAST in the Book of Revelation. Now Revelation talks about the MARK in
several places, but the actual phrase MARK OF THE BEAST is only found in two verses of the Bible in this following chart.
"So the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, "Then the beast was captured, and with him the
and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those
the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image" who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image."
Revelation 16:2 Revelation 19:20
!.........................................81 verses to..................................!
The short side of my ‘Q’ rectangle is 81 and the sum of all 4 sides and its 2 diagonals is 666 – the number of the Beast.
On 3/12/2022 Saudi Arabia executed 81 prisoners:
I believe we should be watching 3/16/2022 (the start of Purim) for a seven day warning leading up to 3/23/2022.