Arthur C (13 Mar 2022)
"A potential Rapture timeline for April 1, 2022 or therabouts."

Hello John,

I have been following your website for a number of years and have enjoyed reading it. You have been a blessing to me and countless other people. 

I am humbly submitting an article about a theory that I worked out that may be of interest to you and others. If it is acceptable, I am requesting that it be included in next week's articles.
Thanks, Arthur!

Here is my article:


A potential Rapture timeline for April 1, 2022 or therabouts.

***Please note. This is just a theory.***

***This is not a Thus saith the Lord***

****I am a fallible man and I don't know everything and I seek to please the Lord****

Please, please, please do not sell your house or neglect to pay your bills. Also, do not throw rocks at me if this turns out to be totally wrong.

All glory to God, in any case.

With that in mind and hopefully made clear, here goes.

My theory is that there will be 6,000 years of human history and then 1,000 years of a Millenium for a total of 7,000 years. So, providing that the Pre Trib Rapture is true (and I believe it is) it should come approximately 7 years before the 6,000 years are up. So, in other words, the year 5993.

Any theory is tempered by the assumptions one makes. If the assumptions are wrong then the whole theory should be pitched.

My primary assumptions are that, using Ken Johnson’s theory, the creation date was Nisan 1, 3925 BC. I have assigned that date as the Vernal Equinox of March 21, 3925 BC. Next, I assume that the earth used to have 360 day years (there is plenty of evidence for this) up until 701 BC when it changed to 365.2422 day years. If I add up the 360 day years plus the 365.2422 day years we will get a sum of years.

Here comes the math. Please feel free to check if I have made any errors or unwarranted assumptions. I use this website to calculate the amount of time passed:

So, from March 21, 3925 BC to March 21, 701 BC is 3224 365.2422 day years. I believe that they are actually 360 years so we need to change that. Therefore: ((3224 × 365.2422)/360 = 3270.94681 360 day years.)

Next, we shall go from March 20, 701 BC (I believe you descend when calculating BC dates) to April 1, 2022 using 365.2422 year days. Therefore: Using that website, we have 994,209 days. (994,209 ÷365.2422 = 2722.05402 365.2422 day years.)

Now simply add them together. Therefore: (3270.94681 + 2722.05402 = 5,993.00083 years.) The fraction .00083 works out to about .3 of a day.

Therefore, April 1st or close to that date could possibly be the the start of year 5993. Perhaps when Yeshua said if the days were not shortened that no flesh would survive was in reference to the 360 day years at the start of creation until 701 BC.

Anyway, *whew* Please tell me what you think and help refine this theory.


Thank you for your consideration.

Shalom and God Bless,
Arthur C.