1 Cor 10:31 (20 Mar 2022)
"Absolutely, Congratulations Tng on 25 years!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Hey I know many of overlooked what you wrote about keeping this site going for 25 years. 


Like you state on the home page, even like-minded Christians are not going to agree ON EVERYTHING.   And heh, true to that, there are often times I do not agree with others here.  Most I do not challenge, when some get wooo-wooo…. Way too “far out there” for me – I just make a mental note to not read letters from them any more.


Truth is, there’s never enough time in the week for me to read every single letter anyway, so I must pick & choose.  And always, always I go for dessert first – looking for my “favorite” authors!


Funny how many people read here!  Even if they choose to never post.  Even if they don’t agree with the overall themes.  Yet they’re addicted watchers like we are and like to read many letters and sites throughout the week as time permits.


I’ve been here for some 15 years, after I left Rapture Ready.  I was at RR from its inception.  I was there BEFORE it even had any mods!!!!   Loved Todd, Terry, and all the gang.  

But at least during THAT era it got way too liberal for me.  When mods were getting on my case and they were saying that a guy who was living an actively [unrepentant] gay lifestyle and working in a ladies’ flimsy underwear dress shop…. Toy shop, whatever they’re called + a couple of other carnal vices he was unrepentant of – yet when mods were totally in my face saying that YES the guy WAS a Christian merely b/c he “believed” in Jesus and CLAIMED to be a Christian…….. nuh-uh!!!!    [Romans 8… to be carnally minded IS DEATH!!!]

These mods, most, were the very ones I’d “broken bread” with IN PERSON….. having met together at a weekend prophecy conference and even gave them tours around town.


Even so, acquainted in person or not….. I stick with the Bible, thank you very much!  I let Todd know what was going on at HIS board.  And left…… 

….took Todd another couple years before I presume he didn’t like the direction of the board either & fired all those mods [from what I heard & read].


I was even “warned” by a fellow Christian to stay away from Doves…… isn’t that a lot like telling a 3 year old child where the cookies are kept – but not to eat any while you’re away??   BIG SMILE!!!!   This well meaning (pastor at the time)  of course certainly meant well in warning me.   But I came here b/c even though many if not most predictions (such as WHEN the rapture will be and WHO the antichrist will be)  are wrong….. you guys don’t bristle, of course all predictions till now have been wrong…… even so, at least you, Tng, allow us to investigate & talk it over here.


My pastor friend, though quite conservative at the time, sadly hit a speed bump of sin himself, later totally changing his tune about everything.  So sad to see that!  I often mist up over how difficult some people’s lives are and quite often that’s b/c we bring it on ourselves – carried away by our OWN LUSTS (as the book of James carefully says….)


I’m rabbit trailing as usual.  But for the most part, and for the articles which seem to be Biblically sound, thanks John Tng for “hanging in there”!!  We should know it’s time consuming & takes a huge commitment.  Some weekends perhaps you’d rather be out fishing or sailing on the boat or enjoying your family.   I’ve been around long enough to have seen the site going from 6 days a week (whew, that’d be hard!)  and leaving Sundays off – to switching it around to uploading it ONLY on Sundays.  Even so, it’s still an ongoing commitment.


So we thank you for giving us a public forum in which to share as we await, look for, and long for our BLESSED HOPE!!!!!!!!!


Reva a.k.a. 1 Cor 10:31 at this site


“RJ’s Here” back in the old days at RR


And even had my own site for a short duration, it was Blessed-Hope.com   It was a mess though in that I’m a big computer dummy & the whole thing was getting so scrambled.  Plus, I’ve changed my mind from “back then” of who I “think” is the most likely candidate to become the AntiChrist.


At any rate, we DO look forward to our BLESSED HOPE & may the Lord Jesus come for us sooner than soon!!!!




Thanks for the great encouragement, Reva! I do have a life. LOL