Ted Porter (28 Mar 2021)
"Days of Noah"

Days of Noah

This is a work of fiction.  Part of a continuing saga posted to Five Doves.  Any resemblance to actual persons or places not in the public domain are coincidental.  This may contain elements of satire.

Days of Noah

Lily was back in South Africa, Obadiah in Iowa, Virginia in Ireland, Elizabeth in England, and Stuart in Indonesia.  They were teleconferencing.

         Obadiah was first to speak.  “Great to see everyone!  These days of COVID lockdowns kind of limits face-to-face.”

Virginia said, “Or mask-to-mask.”

Elizabeth said, “The rules keep changing.  You could get someplace and have to quarantine.”

Stuart said, “Or to get back, have to take a test, wait for the results, and then hope they’re negative.”

Lily said, “Or worse yet, ‘no jab, no fly’.  I’m sure ‘No jab, no job’ can’t be far behind.”

Obadiah said, “In America we’re already being told employers have the legal right to require the jab, the pierce, the mark, whatever you want to call it, and if we don’t, terminate us.”

Virginia said, “No job is worth getting injected with something that rewrites my DNA.  Something that makes me less human or even non-human.  I’m not selling my soul, my eternal salvation for a job.”

Elizabeth said, “No job is worth being left behind.”

Stuart said, “I realize only humans have a path to salvation but you might just change your mind when you’re starving.”

Lily said, “Having no job to me is pretty scary.  If you can’t sell the fruit of your labor, then it makes it pretty hard to buy food, buy clothing, have a roof over your head, anything.”

Obadiah said, “Sounds exactly like the Mark of the Beast requirement to me.”

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Revelation 13:17


Virginia said, “I cannot in this lifetime imagine willingly taking anything they call experimental that’s designed to alter my DNA, starving or not.  Go experiment on somebody else.”

Elizabeth said, “What if they call it a ‘vaccine’?  Wait, that’s what they did!  It’s such a stretch.  There’s never been a ‘vaccine’ that alters DNA.”

Stuart said, “It’s called marketing.  40 years with no HIV ‘vaccine’.  COVID with snippets of HIV code, less than a year.  I can’t believe it.

Lily said, “I can’t believe Project Veritas caught Mark Zuckerberg being apprehensive about taking the jab himself and acknowledging it modifies DNA.”






Obadiah said, “Better ban him!  Here we have a top person named Mark who is very high up in the beast system who is questioning taking a different kind of mark which is of the beast system.  What the Bible calls the mark of the beast.  Kind of coincidental if you think about it.  Then Revelation 13 describes this beast as having the mouth of a lion.  So now we could be talking about the bite mark of the beast, specifically the bite mark of a lion.  I was thinking that sounds very similar to the shape of a spike, in particular the coronavirus spike proteins.  For that matter, a lion’s mane is very similar in appearance to a corona.  Which of course gives the name to the coronavirus.”

Virginia said, “That is so fascinating.  I just noticed that DNA is an anagram for DAN.  Which, as we know, is the tribe of the Antichrist and possibly his image as well.  I also saw where using A=6, B=12, and so on that the phrase “A Covid Vaccine” equals 666.  There’s the name with a number totaling 666.”

Elizabeth said, “I just don’t get it being called a vaccine.  It’s not a vaccine.  A vaccine is where the virus is weakened or killed and then introduced into the body to get an immune response.”

Stuart said, “That’s exactly right.  This is instead, gene manipulation where messenger RNA is used to encode our DNA.  Who knows what they are really encoding.”

Lily said, “Who knows where they are encoding it.  Don’t we share up to like 98% of the same basic DNA with other mammals?  Isn’t there a basic blueprint for like skeletons and muscles, digestive systems, reproductive systems, sensory systems and brains, and so on and so forth?  So that leaves like 2% of our DNA making us uniquely human.  Right?  So how do we know these ‘vaccine’ messenger RNA’s don’t target that 2% which then makes us no longer human?”

Obadiah said, “Good point!  We’ve talked about the Bible foretelling how Nephilim DNA will become mixed with human DNA like in the days of Noah.  Now we have a delivery system through messenger RNA which can contaminate the whole human race.”

Virginia said, “And I was thinking, even if these particular ‘vaccines’ don’t contain Nephilim DNA, what’s to stop the next round of ‘vaccines’?  You know they have a huge stockpile of Nephilim DNA in Area 51 they could use.”

Elizabeth exclaimed, “Heaven help us!  The days of Noah are here again.  We have them with the coming days of the Son of man, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen!  The soon coming day is when He returns for His bride.  He then returns another day to crush all Earthly kingdoms.  Just like the feet of iron and clay in Nebuchadnezzar’s statue!  I was just looking at those verses.  Look here.”

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.  Daniel 2:43

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  Matthew 24:37

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.  Luke 17:26

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.  And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.  There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.  And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.  And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.  But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  Genesis 6:1-8

Stuart said, “I heard China is using this mRNA technology and other technologies to make super soldiers.  They could be giants.  Or they could be men with enhanced other abilities, men of renown.  They are taking the Nazi Arian race idea to a whole new level.  I’m sure you all heard how China volunteered to create a world-wide genetic database from all the COVID swab tests.  Makes it easier for them to finish what Hitler started.  Get rid of all the Jews.  For that matter, all the followers of the King of the Jews, Jesus Christ.  You know they essentially don’t have any Jews or Christians left in China.  And don’t get me started on ethnic minorities.  They’ve thrown their ethnic Moslems into concentration slave labor death camps.  Those inhuman experiments the Nazi’s performed don’t hold a candle to China’s harvesting of live organs to sell while their victims who are operated on with no anesthesia are left to die.”

Lily said, “Before we get all self-righteous, I remember watching the movie “Silent Scream” about abortion, or should I say aborticide.  The word ‘abortion’ only focuses on stopping or aborting the process of pregnancy and birth, for any reason.  For over 2500 years at least, pregnancies were aborted to save the life of the baby.  Julius Caesar is one of the most famous to have been rescued through an abortion operation performed on his mother.  That operation is still called a ‘caesarian section’ in reference to him.  Now we have aborticides all over the world where the head is left in the womb while they ‘harvest’ the valuable live organs before the baby dies.  There is just no respect for human life.  There is no dignity for human life.”

Obadiah said, “I read how the US Government patented various deadly corona viruses many years ago.  And I know for years now we’ve been eating genetically modified foods.  We even modify the genetic code in bacteria to be factories for producing all sorts of chemicals.  The current COVID vaccines encode into the human DNA to produce the special spike proteins found on the shell of this virus.  You know, the special COVID19 coronavirus outside spikes that don’t just contain the one normal virus protein found in nature designed to unlock and pierce certain cells and inject their venom.  No, that wasn’t good enough.  They engineered those spikes to contain four different protein keys to make quadruple sure they unlocked and pieced human cells.”

Virginia said, “I found this article where the US National Institute of Health outsourced what they called “Gain of Function” research to make bat viruses more deadly.  Why they thought outsourcing this research to China was a good idea on any level is beyond me.  But then when it did escape in Wuhan, it didn’t take long for China to weaponise it.”



Elizabeth said, “I can’t imagine having all these spikes being produced by my own cells and then circulating throughout my body.  Which to me are more like hypodermic needles or snake fangs.  These miniature fangs going around and bumping into my human cell walls even if there is no venom being injected, can’t be a good for me.  It’s no wonder the Bible talks about the ‘grievous’ sores.”

Stuart said, “I was thinking not just the physical problems but the legal as well.  Once we become genetically modified, who owns us?  This is a serious legal problem to me and for that matter a theological issue as well.  We were created by God.  We know God made us in His image.  However, if we are altered, that alteration, that ‘improvement’ on the Human Race is treated according to law, as a patentable enhancement.  That enhanced ‘human’, not just the enhancement that made it possible, belongs to the patent holder.”

Lily asked, “So if I’m following you, these pharmaceutical companies or the governments that control them can claim ownership of everyone who took their vaccine?  They legally, not just by Man’s laws, but by God’s righteous laws, even though they were violating God’s natural laws by manipulating our DNA, take ownership.  That’s deep!”

Virginia said, “Reminds me of the curse of the serpent.”


And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  Genesis 3:15

The dragon, the serpent, the prince of this world, is behind the scenes responsible for this alteration, this corruption of man’s DNA.  The serpents bite of these pharmaceutical company ‘vaccines’ has been given to change the seed of man and transfer ownership from God to satan.  But we know how this will end for it is also written:


Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.  John 12:31


Obadiah said, “You know, there was something that puzzled me every time I read Revelation 18.  As I’m sure we’re all familiar, it tells the story of the fall and destiny of Babylon the Great.  Something that always puzzled me was it talking about sorcery.  Here, let me show you the verse.


And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.  Revelation 18:23


“Sorcery is not a commonly used word today.  The Greek word translated as sorcery here is the word pharmakeia.  That is where we get our modern word pharmacy.  So, translating this into modern English we would have, “for thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by thy pharmaceuticals were all men deceived.

Elizabeth said, “Wow!  Woe is me, for I am of unclean lips.  I am undone.  So many will be deceived into corrupting their own DNA through taking these pharmaceutical company ‘vaccines’.  The Human Race’s DNA would have again become corrupted and God would have no choice.  He loves Man who He created in His image so far beyond any of our human comprehension of the height or depth to which He LOVES us!  But now, Man, His image, would have become biologically altered, corrupted beyond any divine Redemption.  God will again have no choice but destroy all the corrupted seed as in the days of Noah.  We have the promise from God that He will never again destroy the Earth with water.  Instead, we know this time, He will destroy it with fire.”

Stuart said, “But first save His remnant.”

The rest of them all said in unison, “Amen!”