Ola Ilori (28 Mar 2021)
"What if this dream is from Jesus?"

Everlasting Life
19 hours ago
DREAM: What if this dream is from Jesus?

I was standing around a bunch of people who were walking around but living their lives. I recognized most of them. They were watchmen and watchwomen who have YouTube channels. But there were a few other people too. The environment was blurry. I couldn't make out any buildings, or rooms, or land, water, nothing like that. I just saw the people roaming about living their lives. I was telling everyone the rapture was going to happen in 3 days! They were like "WHAT?!" How do you know this? I said, "I don't know how I know it, I just do". One of them asked, "What day would that be?" I said, "I don't know but it will happen in 3 days from today." Then someone asked, "Well, what is today?" I said, "It is Friday." Someone said, "No, where I'm from today is Saturday." I said, "Well, all I know is the rapture is going to happen in 3 days." Dunamis333 Channel walked past in front of me and said, "I sure hope you are right." I said to him, "Oh, I know I am." THEN I WOKE UP. OH MY STARS!!! WE CAN ONLY HOPE AND PRAY THAT DREAM IS FROM JESUS!!! In 3 days it will be March 29th/for some 30th. No denying it is a rapture dream.....WITH A DATE!!! We can only hope and pray! Please Jesus, make it so!! Amen and Amen!! If we do NOT fly on Monday then it was NOT a dream from Jesus. It was just a dream. But..... if we do fly on Monday, YEEHAW!!

17 hours ago
Wow!!! That's an amazing dream! Let's wait with great anticipation! Thank you for sharing!

17 hours ago
From your dream you were going by the Hebrew Calendar. This is the official Calendar being used in Israel today.

Everlasting Life
4 hours ago
 @dunamis333  I came to your channel on purpose to find out what your last video would be about because you were the only YouTube watchman channel who walked up to me and walked in front of me in passing as you were going about your business but yet you spoke directly to me. I recognize immediately it was you. So I came to your channel to see what your last video would be about. After I watched it, I was speechless. You pointed out Match 29th exactly like my dream. This is no coincidence. God revealed the date to me in the dream. We are about to be snatched out of here on Monday!! HALLELUJAH!! Thank You, Jesus!!!! We're ready for You, Lord!

3 hours ago
 @Everlasting Life  This is absolutely amazing!!! Wow!!! My initial thought was that you had watched my video BEFORE having your dream! But as it turns out you had your dream BEFORE watching my video!!! This is such a massive confirmation!!!! Glory to God in the Highest!!!