Garry B (28 Mar 2021)
"My Understanding of Daniel 9:25-27 and Romans 15:8"

Here’s my understanding of Daniel 9:25-27 and Romans 15:9.


The “he” in Daniel 9:27 is Jesus Christ.  It was Jesus who was confirming (fulfilling) the Abrahamic covenant with many (the fathers: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, etc..) for one week and in the mist (middle) of the week it was Jesus who caused the blood sacrifice of animals and oblations to cease. How did Jesus cause this? By shedding His blood on the cross for all sins. After the cross there is no need for anyone to offer animal blood sacrifices for their sins and those who continue to do so are insulting God and Jesus.



There were three promises in the Abrahamic Covenant: land promise, nation promise, and Messiah promise. The first two of the promises were already fulfilled before Jesus's advent. Jesus was in the act of confirming for one week, i.e., the 70th week, the third promise of the Abrahamic Covenant by fulfilling the third promise of a coming Messiah when he was cut-off in the midst of the 70th week.


Daniel 9:26 tells us that Jesus was cutoff (crucified) in the middle of the week, so we can figure the out the exact week.  Scripture does not say that Jesus was cut off at the beginning, or the middle or the end of the 69th week. Scripture does say Jesus was cutoff (crucified) in the mist (middle) of the week after the 69th week, which means Jesus was cutoff in the middle of the 70th week.


Therefore, Jesus was in the process of confirming the Abrahamic covenant for one week, the 70th week, but He was cutoff in the middle of the 70th week, which means there are only 3 ½ years remaining to be fulfilled in the 70th week. Which means a 7-year tribulation is a myth made up by Man.


Daniel 9:27 And he (Jesus) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:

Romans 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the (Abrahamic covenant) promises made unto the fathers:


Come Lord Jesus.