F.M. Riley (28 Mar 2021)
"Goodbye! Or Good Morning?"



Good Morning?

                                                                      By Pastor F. M. Riley

                                                                       March 25, 2021

    “If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand to shew unto man his uprightness.

    Then He is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.

    His flesh shall be fresher than a child’s: he shall return to the days of his youth:

    He shall pray unto God, and He will be favorable unto him: and he shall see His face with joy: for He will render unto man His righteousness.

    He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned and perverted that which was right, and it profiteth me not;

    He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the Light.”  Job 33:23-28.



    Beloved readers, this may (or may not?) be the last article you will receive from me.  I am so nearly blind I can hardly see my computer screen to write.  I have been writing studies for several months using a large magnifying glass to see what I was writing, and to check the studies for typos..  I began writing out the great truths of God’s Word 68 years ago, as I began pastoring my first church.  I have no desire to stop writing, but my failing eyesight makes it appear that the Lord says it is time for me to stop, and just wait on His coming.

     As I write this morning, I can feel my 87 year old body, drawing near to the time to go.  I know I have only a short time to remain here in this life.  But I am not writing this because of any fear of my future.  I realized many years ago that this life is only a preparation for that which is to come, and I have perfect assurance of where I am going when I leave this life.   I need no sympathy, for I am looking forward to meeting my Savior with great rejoicing in my heart. And I know that when I meet Him, I will be able to see Him clearly.  I also have a great host of loved ones and friends in Heaven, whom I am eager to meet again.  .

    What a joy it will be to be reunited with my Dad and Mom, my brother and sisters, the beloved wife of my youth, and many other believers who have touched and blessed my life.  GLORIOUS VICTORY! 


    Most people don’t want to even think about or discuss the subject of death and dying.  But why not?  Death is only a doorway into eternity.  When death comes to this mortal body, we simply step through that doorway into eternity.,,,,,,,where? 

   Every true believer shall step through that doorway into  everlasting joy, which the Lord God has prepared for those who love Him, John 14:3; 1 Corinthians 2:9.

    But when those of mankind who refuse to repent of sin, believe on and  receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, whom God Himself provided for the salvation of fallen mankind, step through that doorway, they will smell the burning sulphur (brimstone), hear the screams of the damned who preceded them in death, and feel themselves  falling downward into the pit, Revelation 20:15.


    In our Scripture text in Job, the “messenger” is a born again “witness” doing what the Lord told His disciples to do, Acts 1:8.  However, not even some believers are obedient; “one among a thousand”  who will lovingly and patiently show lost unbelievers how to acquire the righteousness 0f Christ which the  Lord God requires before one can enter Heaven.  This is the Lord’s righte to ousness, and it is imputed to the repentant believer by FAITH. 

    When one truly repents, God is gracious to him (or her), due to Christ Jesus becoming the  “ransom” for all who will believe, Matthew 20:28,       

      Then, even though one may be old and sick in body and health in this  life, at the time of the resurrection and rapture, their “flesh shall be fresher than a child’s:” and they “shall return to the days of [their] youth.”  Oh, glory to God!  Aging is due to our fallen “sin nature.”  There are no “old people” in Heaven.  Many die of old age, but every true believer who passes through the doorway returns to their youth.

   When the true believer prays, God is “favorable unto him,” and at the time of the rapture “he shall see His face with joy,” for the Lord God will place His own righteousness upon and within the soul of the believer.  Glory to God!  Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah! 

    Due to the righteousness of Christ imputed to every true believer, our soul will be delivered “from going into the pit.”  Rather, when we believers step throudh the doorway of death, we see Him who is “the light,” John 8:12. 

    An interesting note:  I have read the testimony of a number of people who have had “near death” experiences, but were then revived.  Many of them related that “when they died” they found themselves in a tunnel, and heard a voice saying to them, “Go to the light,” which was shining at the  end of the tunnel.  Wow!  Just “coincidence?”  I don’t think so!  When a believer dies, they go to the Lord Jesus, who is the “light of the world.” 

    Any reader who wants a blessing should STUDY this entire chapter of Job 33.  It is wonderful in what it reveals about the future of every true believer. 

     Doesn’t Ph through ilippians 3:20-21, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Titus 2:13-14, and 1 John 3:1-3, all tell us that we who are true believers shall SEE the Lord Jesus Christ for ourselves, and be made like Him?  Every honest reader knows these Scriptures reveal this glorious truth. 


    I truly do sense the approach of DEATH in my body.  I truly believe in a few more days I will be leaving this present evil world, and going “home” to be with my Savior and my loved ones who have gone before.  I do not know whether I will be leaving as the rapture occurs, or whether the death angel will be sent for me before the rapture.

    But I have chosen this way to say “Goodbye” to those whom I have known and loved in this present world.  However, when I step through the doorway into eternity, my earnest prayer is that I will have the blessing of saying “Good Morning” to those who are awaiting my arrival, and to every readers of this study who is yet to come. 

    So if my readers who are true believers don’t hear from me again, don’t waste your time nor tears grieving for me.  Just know that I will be enjoying the blessings of Heaven a few days before you get there.  My thanks and gratitude is hereby expressed to every reader who has supported this Bible Study ministry with your prayers or your gifts.  May your rewards be great in glory.   I close praying for the blessings and comfort of the Lord upon every reader.

     In the love of Christ Jesus, Revelation 22:20. 

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Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401

Email address:    francismriley34@gmail.com

Personal contact    Phone 573:202:6493   (Anyone choosing to call, let the phone ring long enough for this old man to get to it).