Fay (7 Mar 2021)
"NZ Earthquakes etc."


Hmmm. Interesting that NZ is being slammed with so many earthquakes. Their stance on Israel is an obvious reason. How so, then, that the Arab countries don't get hit so hard? Umpteen earthquakes in New Zealand this past week. WOW.

It seems, to me, that the nations whose laws are (supposed to be) based on Judeo/Christian beliefs, get hit almost immediately they do anything against Israel. The 3rd world countries (who have always hated Israel and hold to the Quran) are already drowning in poverty, lack of education and spiritual malaise. Their time will come. The 1st world countries have little excuse to ignore God and denigrate Israel. Therefore, they get smacked hard.... and almost immediately. The 3rd world countries lumber along in their self-imposed, medieval ignorance.

Can anybody think of any other reason?
