Fay (7 Mar 2021)
"Isn't it Strange??"


Hi John and Doves,

I realise there are loads of Trump supporters out there. Trump is the obvious shining light, compared to the Dems. No question.

Consider this....why was there never any "draining of the swamp"? How come nobody ever got arrested? How come - given the abundance of evidence re a rigged election - is nothing being done? Nothing coming of it? Instead - the media have smoothly moved on to the question of whether Trump can run again for POTUS in 2024!! Say WHAT?

This is gas lighting on a global scale. The "obvious" is being relegated to the wings. We are all expected to simply move on and not dwell on any previously perceived shenanigans.

I put it to all of you that this is a giant hoax (delusion) that is being perpetuated upon mankind. Trump has moved on, hasn't he? He's talking about 2024. Never mind what has gone on before....let's all be good little followers and focus on the future.

On the surface - Trump did all the right things that appealed to Christians and Jews alike. Recognise Jerusalem as THE capital of Israel. Make peace with the arabs ..blah, blah, blah. Just about everything that Almighty God says NOT to do. I am going to stick my neck out here (again) Doves, and put it to you that it was wrong, wrong, wrong to support the Abraham Accords. If you are not 100% for God then you are against Him. Period. Messing about with Jerusalem is just plain old stupid.

Which brings me to the article in the link. WHY are we even discussing the nauseating subject? It is so very obviously wrong. Why are we - as humans - even getting into the argument? It is plainly wrong. The same goes for the current covid nonsense. The climate change debacle. etc., etc. It's all so obviously WRONG. Yet we have allowed ourselves to be drawn into a discussion with lunatics.

PLEASE PLEASE come soon, LORD Jesus.
