Chance (7 Mar 2021)
"Is 2021 The Year?  Part 2"

Hello John and Doves,

This letter adds to the 28 Feb 2021 "Is 2021 The Year" from last week. 
Is 2021 The Year?
In the above letter I wrote about the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who with hundreds of lawyers around the world is seeking to prosecute those responsible for civil damages due to the Covid-19 scandal.
Here is a new article adding more information:  Those responsible for “Corona Scandal” must be criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity - Self-Reliance Central
"Those responsible for 'Corona Scandal"  must be criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity."  Mar 4, 2021
"The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020, and Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, one of the Committee members, has published his testimony which at the time of this writing has been viewed by over 1.3 million people in the last 10 days."

"The conclusions of the committee are the following" - (this is just a sampling of their conclusions - more at the link)
Deaths:  there are no excess mortality in any country.  Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu.  94% of deaths in Bergamo were caused by transferring sick patients to nursing homes where they infected old people with weak immune systems.  Doctors and hospitals worldwide were paid to declare deceased victims of Covid-19.  Autopsies showed:  fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions; almost all deaths were very old people;  Sweden (no lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics.  US states with and without lockdown have comparable disease and mortality statistics.
Tests:  PCR tests are useless for the detection of infections.  Amplification of samples of 35 cycles is unreliable but WHO recommended 45 cycles.
Illegality:  The lockdowns were imposed when the virus was already retreating.  The lockdowns were based on non-existent infections.  Mainstream media completely failed to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic.  Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models.
Conspiracy:  Politicians and mainstream media deliberately drove populations to panic.  The hopeless PCR test is used to create fear and not to diagnose.
Injury and damage:  Evidence of gigantic health and economic damage to populations;  anti-corona measures have killed innumerable people and destroyed countless companies and individuals worldwide.  Bankruptcies are expected in small- and medium-sized businesses.
Redress:  A class action lawsuit must be filed in the USA or Canada, with all affected parties worldwide having an opportunity to join; companies and self-employed people must be compensated for damaged.
All quoted from the above article.  Again, much more at the link.
How could this have happened to the world, to us??!!  A great deception!
The great lengths, all of those involved in this "Covid-19 Scandal", went to was nothing short of extraordinary!  Using their Event 201, "Scenarios" and other 'pandemic exercises' over the previous years as blueprints for "Covid-19",  the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins, and numerous other globalist individuals and organizations have almost flawlessly made their move on the world.  Destroying all those who would oppose them.  And doing a massive steal of wealth from middle class businesses, families, etc to put into their pockets.  Using politicians and the MSM to do their bidding against the people of the world.
Their past pandemic exercises have shown them the path they need to follow to reach their goals - depopulation by vaccination (death, abortion, sterilization), destroying the economies of countries, destroying small and middle class businesses, transferring massive amounts of money to themselves, controlling the movement of massive numbers of people, breaking supply chains, and damaging the food supply, along with shoving "climate change" down our throats, etc.  
We are seeing the globalist agenda come to pass right before our eyes! As we have been used, controlled and manipulated to believe a lie!
BUT THEIR plans are being threatened by states opening up, like Texas and Mississippi...I'm sure others will this push for a class action law suit backed by lawyers, physicians, economists, etc from all around the physicians and health care workers waking up, speaking out and calling foul concerning Covid-19 deaths and Covid-19 patients in information spreading about the PCR tests being way too sensitive, so that 85% to 90% of those positive are really negative! people exposing the hospitals that were reporting they were being overrun by Covid patients, when they were exposing the continued sham of a Covid-19 vaccine that is harmful and worthless.  And on and on....
These globalists and their cronies will need to implement a Plan B if their plans start coming unraveled as people/governments wake up!  Or they'll need to make a HUGE push to hurry things along!  Before their 'apple cart' gets upset~
So what's Plan B?  Maybe it has something to do with this alert:  Starting 3/4, all US-bound passengers from Guinea and DR Congo will be routed to 1 of 6 US airports for enhanced screening due to new Ebola outbreak.  The 6 airports are:  New York (JFK), Newark (EWR), Atlanta (ATL), Chicago (ORD), Los Angeles (LAX) and Washington (IAD).
I mention this because Bill Gates has already warned us MULTIPLE TIMES about a worse pandemic coming.  Something else THEY have been working on, no doubt.
Legal processes move through the courts slowly.  Will the globalists have time to take total control?  Will they reach their goal of massive population reduction?  Will they have done enough damage to economies so that recovery is impossible?  The financial debt situation of the US was bad before all of the Covid-19 relief packages...but now - there is so much debt, we're beyond even a slim possibility of recovery.  And so are most countries of the world.
Will this agenda continue right on into the Tribulation?  This plan is so evil, it must certainly be part of Satan's agenda to replace God and destroy mankind.  All moving right along into the last few years of Daniel's "70 Weeks" and John's vision in The Revelation. 
As THEY make their big push before their plans are exposed for all to see.  THEY better hurry!  THEY don't want the people waking up and seeing their sins.
The Democrats/Biden administration have asked for two more months of National Guard to guard the Capitol Building, etc....  Why?  What are they up to?
I see all of this on a crescendo to Spring, 2021...possibly around/during Passover Week  Hope and pray we see something BIG then. 
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
"The Globalist Agenda...."
The Globalist Agenda and KS Rajan's "Globalism's United Front" Article