Chance (28 Mar 2021)
"The Open Border And The Resulting Depravity"


Hello John and Doves,
 All during Biden's 'limited' campaign for president he stressed opening up the border.
Biden promised to end the Trump policy of "Remain in Mexico"...saying he would end it on "Day One" of his administration.
The Obama administration, with Biden as VP for 8 years, separated children from their families at the border.  Facilities held immigrants behind chain-link fences in warehouses and other 'facilities' in McCallen, Texas and Nogales, AZ, for example.  The McAllen facility was converted to house children.  Unaccompanied children went to the U.S. refugee agency. 
Biden Administration's refugee agency is to fast-track the release of migrant children with parents | Daily Mail Online
Now, under Biden, the number of young migrants and unaccompanied children coming across our southern border has skyrocketed.  Biden's policies are enticing and incentivizing unaccompanied minors to come to the U.S. southern border.  Thousands of teenagers - especially male teenagers - are being temporarily held at the border.
One has to ask why?  Why do the Democrats (this happened under Obama also) want all of these children?  All of these people? Why do they want the border open?
"The U.S. is the #1 destination for sexually-trafficked children, most of whom are brought across the Mexican border.  This business was severely disrupted by the Trump administration and as we now see, it is making up for lost time." 
‘Eyes of the Devil’ – Documentary Film by Patryk Vega – Forbidden Knowledge TV
90% of the narcotics that enter the U.S. come in through the southern border. The border wall was forcing cartels to try to get their drugs through the ports of entry.  Heroin, Methamphetamine, Fentanyl, Cocaine, Marijuana and other drugs make it across our southern border.  A wall made it that much more difficult.  But Biden has stopped the completion of the wall. Why?
"While the Biden administration tried to figure out how to open the southern border amid an immigration crisis, drug cartels are taking advantage of the chaos to bring in massive amounts of drugs, including the deadly drug fentanyl.  According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, drug seizures have increased 50 percent in February from January 2021.  Although Cocaine interceptions decreased 13 percent, seizures of methamphetamine increased 40 percent, seizures of heroin went up 48 percent, and seizures of fentanyl decreased by 17 percent.  Despite the slight drop in fentanyl seizures in February, CBP has reported "drastic increases" in fentanyl seizures this year - more than 360 percent higher than the same time period in 2020 CBP said." Fentanyl is made in China and then smuggled into the U.S. through Mexico.  The DEA confiscated 8.1 million doses of fentanyl in 2020 - 2 milligrams is lethal.  This could kill a lot of people." 
Border crisis aiding smuggling of Fentanyl into the US in record amounts
And then we hear that DHS and BP have been ordered by the Biden administration to not talk about the crisis at the border. And that no one is allowed to visit the children detention centers!  What are they hiding, besides over crowding?? 
Encouraging parents to send their children hundreds or thousands of miles, unaccompanied, through gangs, robbers, rapers, child sex traffickers is nothing short of child abuse and a crime against humanity! What happens to these children and babies along the way and what happens once they get to our border and released into the country?  
And one has to ask, why doesn't the Biden administration care about the spreading of Covid-19? That's all we've heard about for over a year!  And Trump's rallies were 'super spreaders'.  Yet thousands of people are crossing over the border into America with no health checks, no Covid-19 tests, NADA!  They are just sent out across the country!  Now they don't seem to care about Covid-19!  Mustn't be the deadly disease THEY have told us it is!!
One has to ask why would THEY do this in the middle of a pandemic?  America is still reeling from the shutdowns, job losses, school closures, the extra costs of Covid-19 health care, etc.  Then Biden brings what could amount to one or more million this year alone!
"Biden administration awards ICE $86M contract to secure hotel rooms for illegal families."
Biden administration awards ICE $86M contract to secure hotel rooms for illegal families | Fox Business
"FEMA will provide $110 million to nonprofit groups and government agencies to help take care of the illegal alien families and children pouring across the border."
NEWS ALERT: DHS using funds from Covid relief bill to care for illegal aliens
Many of these children and babies are being and will be sex trafficked all over the U.S.  Guess Biden's people were running out of kids in the U.S. to abuse. 
"The child sex trafficking business among the rich and powerful was exposed through the leaked Podesta emails in 2016 during the presidential elections.  It was referred to as "Pizzagate", and the corporate media, controlled by the CIA and the Globalists, did everything they could to squelch it and label anyone reporting on it as "Fake News"...The Globalists at the highest level are not only pedophiles, but members of the Occult...The CIA has been behind much of the worldwide child sex trafficking industry, as former FBI Director Ted Gunderson revealed...."  Jeffrey Epstein, no doubt, could have shed much light on this topic! 
Pedophiles Now Control America – No Child is Safe from Medical Kidnapping
"For weeks we've heard the Biden Administration describe their immigration and border security policies as "humane". But today Texas officials, including Child Sex Trafficking Team Director Andrea Sparks, detailed the inhumanity of Biden's policies and horrific details about how unaccompanied minors are exploited...They are in a perfect storm of vulnerability...and they are very likely to end up in the hands of an exploiter from what we know about human trafficking and how it works."  BP is finding that the children are being threatened by the young girls, rather than have their families killed, are raped and forced in to prostitution.  The smugglers, the cartel members sexually abuse these children also. 
Child Sex Trafficking: Brutal Reality of Biden's Border Policies Explained By Texas Officials by Katie Pavlich
And Trump's wall was curtailing the drugs coming in too.  So there went a lot of incomes in the U.S.  That's billions of dollars.
None of what the Democrats have been telling us is panning out - that they are against human sex trafficking and pedophilia; they are against drug trafficking, they are against the spreading of Covid-19.  Not one single thing they've said has been the truth!
Some 70,000 Americans died from illegal narcotics last year.  Many more were injured, along with lives ruined, families ruined, incomes ruined, etc.  And the expensive rehab places end up being revolving doors for most.
"Has Joe Biden Sold America Out to the Mexican Drug Cartels?"  This article is from March 14, 2021
"..the best thing that could ever happen for the Mexican drug cartels would be a Democratic presidential victory....President Joe Biden is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon the Mexican cartels.  Experts estimated the money made on drug trafficking by the cartels at around $500 billion a year.  That's half a trillion dollars a year - "trillion" with a T."  Feinstein says the illicit drug trade business is between $426 to $652 billion.  
And this was BEFORE Joe Biden opened up the border!!
"According to the DEA, these six Mexican drug cartels generate tens of billions of dollars every year and employ a multitude of financial transactions and arrangements to launder and smuggle their earnings into Mexico."  Here are the major distribution hubs the Mexican drug cartels have:  New Orleans, Dallas, Laredo, Detroit, Houston, Oklahoma City, El Paso, New York City, Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles. 
13 US Cities That Are Crowded By Mexican Drug Cartels
So what about the price tag on human trafficking?  "$10,000 is the common going rate for smuggling humans."  Nearly 100,000 immigrants crossed the southern border in February, 2021.  That's $1 BILLION in one month!  "Now add in child sex trafficking."  "So, what are the cartels willing to pay to keep the borders open and the dollars flowing?  I'm a businessman.  I always pay 5% to 10% finder's few to however brings me business.  I'm sure it works exactly the same way with Mexican drug lords, human traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles." 
Has Joe Biden Sold America Out to the Mexican Drug Cartels? by Wayne Allyn Root
"Biden's Open Border Policies Made Cartels' Human Trafficking Business Worth More Than Drugs"  
People are the new dope.  March 23, 2021  President Biden has turned human trafficking into a billion-dollar racket 'worth more than dope'....'Remember that every Mexican citizen that you see crossing the river is worth 2,500 bucks.  If they're Venezuelan, Guatemalan or Honduran they paid $3,000.  If they're Chinese they paid $5,000.  If they're Middle Eastern or Russian they paid $9,000....Some or all of the smuggling fees are paid upfront...but in most cases, they're paid over time by the worker, their family even their employer."
"Trafficking is a multibillion-dollar industry...some of these migrants are asked to transport narcotics or some form of crime to work off a different part of their debt."  These "trafficked illegals are given wristbands to wear that represent information such as how much money they still owe to which Cartel.  If their debts are not paid off, the trafficked illegal or their family back in their home country could be hurt or worse.  This indentured servitude is basically slavery."  30% of women and girls coming over are going to be raped and countless children are forced into sex trafficking. 
Biden’s Open Border Policies Made Cartels’ Human Trafficking Business Worth More Than Drugs - The Lid
"Foster parents reportedly asked by state agency if they can take in '26+' migrant children amid border crisis."  March 25, 2021  The Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) is contacting foster care families in California wanting to know how many available beds they have for additional children. 
Foster parents reportedly asked by state agency if they can take in '26+' migrant children amid border crisis
So not only is 'someone' being paid to transport these kids to our southern border, but American families are being asked to take care of them with taxpayer money!  So much money is changing hands!
And 'foster homes' are how a lot of kids are sex trafficked.  "According to the National Foster Youth Institute, it's estimated that 60% of child sex trafficking victims have a history in the child welfare system." 
What You Need to Know About Foster Care and Human Trafficking - SAFY
"America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia - CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines"  " America is the #1 destination for pedophilia and child sex trafficking, and this huge market exists mainly because it is funded by taxpayers through the U.S. government Child Protection Services and foster care system.
America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines
How much did President Trump cost the Mexican drug cartels in lost income?  In drugs, in human trafficking, in sex trafficking?  In children sold into pedophilia?  Probably tens of billions, if not trillions!
How much money will Biden and his Democratic Congress bring to the Mexican drug cartels?  In drugs, in human trafficking?  In children sold into pedophilia?  Trillions, no doubt!
The bigger question is:  How much money are THEY being paid to open that border??  And allow all of this to happen! 
I wonder how much money it takes to sell out one's country.  Millions, tens of millions, tens of billions?  Biden, the Biden-Harris administration, the Biden family, members of Congress and the Democratic Party. 
I'm not buying Biden's excuse that he's such a great humanitarian and that's why he's opened our southern border....not with all the touching, sniffing, fondling of young girls he's been caught doing IN PUBLIC over the years!
We're talking trillions of dollars in human trafficking, the sex trade, pedophilia and illegal drugs!  Trillions!  Too tempting to keep that border protected; too tempting to keep that border closed.  Too tempting to protect the people.  Too tempting to protect the children.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."  Luke 17:2
Revelation 22:15 "Outside are the dogs (the godless, the impure, those of low moral character) and the sorcerers (with their intoxicating drugs and magic arts) and the immoral persons (the perverted, the molesters, and the adulterers), and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying (deception, cheating).  Amplified Bible.
"The LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." 1 Timothy 6:10
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"  Matthew 16:26
Looks like we've got quite a few trading their souls, power, position...
This is definitely the perfect storm for drugs, human trafficking, pedophilia...this is what the new administration has done to America!  
America has been judged and turned over to depravity!  "And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a depraved mind, to do those things that are not proper."  Romans 1:28
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!