Carl Worline (28 Mar 2021)
"Have You Ever Noticed"


Have You Ever Noticed???


Is it just me, or have you ever noticed that when the Democrats here in America want to start pushing their agenda once more to disarm the American public, there will be a string of mass shootings in public places and many innocent people are injured or killed?

We know that outlawing the private ownership of firearms has been a major goal of left-wing Democrats for a very long time.  Let’s take a step back for a moment and think about this.  The world is full of innumerable worthwhile causes.  The world is full of (literally) innumerable problems.  So, why is eliminating the private ownership of firearms one of the highest possible priorities of the Left??

I am not a conspiracy theorist.  However, it is getting harder and harder for me not to wonder if maybe there is such a thing as the Deep State (of some kind) after all.

I am not accusing anyone of anything.  I am just thinking out loud here.  Could there be a secretive group of filthy rich, incredibly powerful, and Satanically evil people out there who want to control the world?  Could the leader of these evil people be Satan, himself?  Doesn’t the Bible say something about this happening someday???

This time around the democrats, and especially Joe Biden, were taking a lot of heat (blame) for the recent downturn of events on our border.  We have all seen this in recent days in the mainstream media news (horribly suppressed and biased as it might be).   As hard as it may be to believe, the mainstream media now seems to have turned on their beloved savior like a pack of starving feral dogs fighting over a rotting scrap of meat in some back ally.

Donald Trump had a plan on how to deal with our border problems and it was working fabulously well.  Love him or hate him, one has to admit that Donald Trump is a genius in many areas (and maybe not so swift in a few other areas).  That is before the Coup of 2020 took place, where the Demonrats stole the Presidency of the United States of America.  How could this happen in America??

And why is it that the mainstream media always seems to have a picture of the gun to display on TV and the internet, many times even before the identity of the shooter is known??

And something else.  Have you noticed that in at least some of the cases of these mass shootings, the person who did the killing cannot remember doing it??  That strikes me as really strange.  Really, really strange.  Is it possible that some really evil people possess the power to control a person’s mind to the point that they could cause that person to commit a mass shooting??  I am just speculating here.

Moving on to another topic that is totally unrelated.

Have you ever noticed how the major drug companies appear (at least to me) to be incredibly greedy??  They develop lifesaving drugs and then charge outrageously high prices for them.  A drug that costs a few pennies per dose might sell for hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars per dose to the public.  People who cannot afford it suffer and, in many cases, even die. 

The drug companies try to justify this by telling us they only want to recoup their research and development costs.  However, many of their top executives and managers take home obscenely high salaries and benefit packages.  We have all read and heard about this for years.

So why is it that flu shots are, in almost every case, free??  In fact, I have noticed over the years that many places offer free gift cards or other incentives if we will only agree to take their injection??? 

Free money. Just get vaccinated. 

Why are COVID vaccinations free??  Why are our trusted (???) politicians pushing so hard to have this experimental witch’s brew injected into the arm of every single human on the planet?? Why are governments and major world corporations transitioning from veiled threats to outright threats if a person refuses their poison???

Why is this cabal of evil so intent on forcing every member of humanity to take their COVID 19 mRNA gene therapies?  Shouldn’t we all want to have our DNA, which contains the veritable blueprints for our body, to be permanently and unchangeably altered for the “better”???  What could possibly go wrong??

I am not going to delve into why I call these new vaccines poison or what the problems might be for anyone who submits to the bribes and/or threats to put it into their body.  There is an incredibly huge amount of information on this already out in the public domain.  Scientifically sound information by experts in the field that is devoid of politics.

My question is: Why are the producers of these vaccines offering it to us for free and at the same time bribing, threatening, and using every imaginable method of coercion to force me, and every other human on the planet, to take it???

And while I am on the topic:  I do not know for sure if this is a fact, but I am reading more and more articles about how Dr. Fauci and others like him are growing incredibly wealthy from the COVID crisis.  Obscenely wealthy.  If this is true (and I have no solid evidence that it is), then the mainstream media’s beloved darling has lost all credibility, as far as I am concerned.

Did the elite know in advance that this pandemic was coming?  Were they able to prepare in advance to reap unimaginable rewards???  Is this the root of their rabid obsession to vaccinate every human being on the planet?

As I mentioned earlier, I am not accusing anybody of anything.  I have no solid proof.  Instead, I am putting down some random thoughts about some valid questions.  Or, at least, they seem valid to me.  I am a watchman on the wall watching the End Times unfold.

I believe that we are seeing a series of events unfold that are setting the proverbial stage for a scenario described a couple of thousand years ago in the Bible.

·      I feel quite certain that the Revelation 12 Sign announced that the final phase of the End Times is about to take place and that the Rapture of the Church is finally at hand.  It was a warning to repent and get ready as well as a timing marker to count forward from.

·      I believe that Donald Trump was the seventh king of Revelation 17-10-11.  This is the king that the apostle John said would “only serve a short time.”  Did Donald Trump only serve a short time??

·      I believe that Joe Biden was the sixth king and the eighth king of Revelation 17:10-11.  That means if I am correct, that Biden will become the anti-Christ.  That would also mean that the anti-Christ is not only on the scene but has also come to political power.

·      As confirmation that God is dealing with Donald Trump as an End Times king, I look at Ezekiel 22:30 in which God told Ezekiel “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.”  A few translations use the word “hedge” instead of “wall,” but in researching the true meaning of the oldest transcripts, the word “wall” is far more appropriate.  Will Donald Trump go down in history as a man who was intent on building a wall??

·      I feel relatively certain that our current pope is the false prophet.  This is just a personal opinion, but my gut feeling is that I am correct.  It would also mean that the Biblical false prophet is now in power.

If I am correct in my above assumptions, then the actors are already in place on the world stage.  The timing of 70 prophetic weeks given to the prophet Daniel by the angel Gabriel is about to start again after having been dormant for almost two thousand years. 

I am also thoroughly convinced that when the 70th week of Daniel begins, the first thing that will happen will be the Rapture.


Carl Worline

March 24, 2021