Benny (7 Mar 2021)
"Covid-19 Vax in Jewish Gematria"


Covid-19 Vax in Jewish Gematria :

(1) Janssen - Janssen in Jewish Gematria equals 866 LINK

What else equals the numerical value of 866?

(a) Vaccinated

(b) Destruction Of Ameriorm is Coming?..and then proceeds
to leave his parting gift as POTUS - Operation Warp Speed?)

(b) Urgent Message

(c) Psyop

(d) Labyrinth

(e) All Aliens Are The Fallen Angels

(f) Communism In America

(3) Moderna - Moderna in Jewish Gematria equals 210 LINK

What else equals the numerical value of 210 :

(a) Decision - (time for all the decide if disregarding Biblical
warnings on the Vax/Mark of the Beast)

(b) Heretic - (all heretics will be exposed by submitting/bowing

(c) Sacrificed - (the temples or human bodies will be injected
by the Vax as sacrifices to the powers of darkness)

(4) AstraZeneca - AstraZeneca in Jewish Gematria equals 826 LINK

What else equals the numerical value of 826? :

(a) Pay For Sins - (Great Tribulation for those who reject Jesus
Christ's offer of salvation)

(b) Order Of The Illuminati

(c) Stimulus Package - (the Beast of Rev.13 says, "not to worry
people - we will give you some exchange for your souls")

(d) So Funny - (the Beast laughs as he puts masks on all the sheeple)

(5) NOVAVAX - Novavax in Jewish Gematria equals 1792 LINK

The New World of the Great Reset - This is not Columbus' New
World anymore...It is much more like the Twilight Zone, soon to
be The Great Tribulation!!..Wake Up While There Is Still Time!! The
"Vax" of the Illuminati New World Order - "Nova" (Latin word for
"new") Plus "Vax" (short for "vaccine") = NOVAVAX ("New Vax")

What else equals the numerical value of 1792? :

(a) Devil World

(b) The Best Secrets Of Gematria Revealed

(c) Illuminati George W Bush - (The 1991 Persian Gulf War was,
according to President Bush, about "more than one small country;
it is a big idea; a New World Order).

(d) Above The Law - (The Beast System/N.W.O. is above the law.
since it is the only law of the land).

(e) Prying Open My Third Eye

(f) Donald John Trump I Am The Messenger

(g) Dont Play With Fire

(h) Currency War

There are many who write this all off as "coincidence"... I simply

I will leave you with one last series of letters/words that has the
numerical value of 1792, one that is now , and always has been,
our ONLY HOPE!! :

Jesus Christ The Comforter in Jewish Gematria equals 1792..
He is the ONLY GATE to the New Heaven and Earth - THE NEW

Rev.21:1, "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first
heaven and the first earth had passed away"...... Which "World
Order" will you chose?.. Decision Time is NOW!!