1 Cor 10:31 (28 Mar 2021)
"yeah, but!  yeah, but!  yeah, but!   ~~ NOTHING MORE TO SAY OTHER THAN "GODDBYE"!!!!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


“yeah, but!  yeah, but!  yeah, but!”   ~~ NOTHING MORE TO SAY OTHER THAN "GODDBYE"!!!!!



Howdy “Doves”!

Next Sunday is EASTER (okay, “Resurrection Day” for those of you who don’t care to call it “Easter” – and I understand!!)   At any rate, it’s what any true Christian lives for!!  Jesus was not only born as a human, and killed in the most horrible way….. but He ROSE AGAIN!!!!!!   Never to go thru’ such cruel treatment again… E V E R!!   We  hang our hopes on Resurrection Day!!   It’s long been my most favorite time of the year.


So – yep, heh, you guys know the score – even though I spend a good deal of my time online reading what my fellow WATCHERS are saying – yet, we are STILL in the minority!!!!   I met a friend today.  She’s long known of my love & interest in Bible prophecy & the rapture.  She says early on in the day, considering what’s going on – we may be outta’ here a lot sooner than we think.  (I actually hate that saying – as it could NOT be sooner than “I” (or a lot of you!)  IMAGINE or think!!  I mean, I thought it was going to happen 20 years ago.


But LOOK AT TODAY!!!!  Every single rapture “symptom” in the Bible:  we can CHECK OFF!!!!


So the whole rest of the day my friend & I spent semi-arguing about the timing – as she tells her adult daughters (don’t drop over dead when I tell you this!!) ~~ that it may yet be 2,000 years away!!!!


I said, “Jade!”  (not real name) ~~ look, everything is ready to GO NOW!!!!!!   I said mark of the beast technology is IN PLACE & ready to go!!!   She rebuffs:  “yeah, but no one’s controlling it….”


I said  “you realize these vaccinations are tied to BUYING & SELLING??”   Her:  “yeah, but it’s not that YET!!!”



I mean, c’mon!!!!!!!    I just wanted to shake her or stomp her foot or something!!  (hah!  Hope you know I’m kidding!!)   For everything I had to say she responded with “yeah, but!”…..  alas why I chose that title for this (my LAST, I hope!!)  letter at Doves!!!!  I feel she KNOWS to be watching (why spend all those years watching Hal Lindsey & the like??)  yet she’d rather make her “YEAH BUT” excuses!!!!!!   I certainly do not see her being rewarded with the crown of righteousness for watching & yearning for the Lord’s appearing.


Look I’m counting on – or certainly HOPING ANYWAY for an EASTER RAPTURE!!!!!!   If not then, prayerfully by Pentecost.  But I’m certainly not planning to stay on this planet any longer than this year!   Just me, I cannot imagine being here past summer.


Though we watchers are few, we’re (most) all in agreement that we are staring face to face with THE TIME to leave this wrecked planet & GO HOME!!!!!!


Let me ask you a question:  don’t you WANT Jesus to come soon?


Or does the SNARE of having to choose getting your head whacked off for not taking the mark or burning for all eternity for giving in & taking the mark sound thrilling to you??  **ALL ETERNITY**   20 zillion years from now:  STILL BURNING!!!!  Very few take the Word of God seriously any more.  That He says what He means & means what He says!!  There will be no smiles, no laughs, no jokes, no family reunions, and no coffee breaks in hell.  No 15” off for good behavior.  The smoke of their torment will rise forever & ever.


I, too, used to share in the thinking that maybe just maybe this world was not QUITE EVIL ENOUGH yet!!!!  Though now I know without an inkling of a doubt, that IT IS!!!!!!  Trust me, IT IS EVIL ENOUGH!!!!!!   And I can give you site after site after site to look at to find horrid stories or you can find them yourself.  Take one of the latest:  NIKI (shoes) is THRILLED to now offer a shoe dedicated to satan!!!!!  With a pentagram on it!!  and (look like) human blood on it!!!!!   They are not hiding or concealing it – they are PROUD OF IT!!!!!!   How any real Christian could work at NIKI is beyond me.


Yet this is merely one company.  When people are actually welcoming & celebrating evil and satan – then we don’t belong here any more.  Remember:  GIFT GIVING TIME after the 2 witnesses are murdered!!!!   I mean what kind of SICK JOY is THAT????!!!!!  Instead of heaviness of heart, the earth dwellers will actually be CELEBRATING!!!!!


And….. I’m pretty sure (no, just saying about that part!)  it’s not that I’m “pretty sure” it’s that we know for a FACT that Jesus meant what He said when He told us (not suggested) but TOLD us to WATCH or else!!!!  Or else He will come like a thief!!  Please note:  He did not say KIDNAPPER!!!!   I  personally do not see Him taking ANYBODY to heaven against their will!!   If their minds are rock hard concrete & they insist on staying here for the Tribulation, I’m leaning with they will get their wish.  Every single word in the Bible is placed there for a reason and when Luke 21 tells us to watch always and pray (for what?)  to be accounted worthy to escape these things & to stand before the Son of Man.   Common sense would only dictate that apparently not every Christian WILL BE accounted worthy to go… or else WHY told to PRAY for it?  Certainly UNBELIEVERS would not be told to watch and PRAY!!!!!


Watch or not – at your own peril!   Peril?  Or Paradise?  I’ll take Paradise!!!  And forget all your “yeah, but’s”…. it’s TIME TO GO!!!!!


Make sure we have NOOOO attachment of any kind to this world!!




Amen and MARANATHA!!!!!!