Luis Vega (3 Mar 2019)
"THE 10th RED HEIFER - Prophetic Patterns Since Moses"


Cleansing and Consecration of the 3rd Temple Service

by Luis B. Vega

‘This is the ritual law that Hashem has commanded: Instruct B’nei Yisrael to bring you a Red Cow without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid.’
-Numbers 19:2

The purpose of this study is to examine the concept and divine prescription of the Red Cow or ‘Red Heifer’ in the Bible. Why this topic is important is that the Temple Institute and the Nascent Sanhedrin in Israel have finally arrived at the time where several Red Heifers have been procured. Such a Red Heifer is needed to purify the Temple Mount so as to have the construction of the 3rd Temple by sanctified. Also, once the Temple is built, the Altar of Sacrifice that has now been dedicated will also make the Daily Scarifies sanctified. If these prophetic developments are any indication of how close such Jewish religious institutes, agencies and organizations are to implementing such divine protocols, then Daniel’s 70th Week of Years is at the doorstep.

According to Jewish tradition, there will only be 10 Red Heifers or Para Adumma in human history. The Sanhedrin and other religious Jews fervently believe that the 10th Red Heifer will directly usher in the arrival of their Jewish Messiah. Is it any coincidence as to the prophetic timing of how the Church Age has lasted nearly 2000 years and it has been this ‘Last Generation’, the 70th year to be precisely, that all of the sudden amazing Biblical requirements are being completed in the sight of the whole world? Based on the Biblical requirements, the Red Heifer must be 3-4 years old and perfect in its ‘redness’. Even the hooves of the Red Heifer must be red. It must also be totally free from any physical blemish or defect, whether internal or external. This means that the presence of as few as 2 hairs of any other color will render the cow invalid. Such have been very expensive and difficult to breed, until now thanks to modern genetic engineering.

The Red Heifer is not a sacrifice technically for it is not slaughtered in the Temple. It is said by the Jews to be one of a mystery as to its constitution and protocols. Nonetheless, the ashes of the Red Heifer for the ‘Waters of Purification’ must be procured, given the prescriptions of YHVH in the Bible. The objective of the sacrifice, that is to be performed ‘outside the gate’ of Jerusalem is to provide its ashes for the purification process of the Temple Mount, the Temple, the Priests, the utensil, accouterments, and the people of Israel in general. The Red Heifer is to be brought to the Mount of Anointment, a precise location on the Mount of Olives, opposite the Golden Gate of the eastern side of the Temple Mount.

Waters of Purification
There the heifer must be slaughtered and burned. This ritual purification was called Tum'at HaMet. Afterwards, its ashes are mixed with natural spring water. The Red Heifer was used then to procure the ‘Waters of Sanctification’ which is used to sprinkle on those who are impure. In terms of its historical origins, it was from the time of Moses, who personally prepared the 1st Red Heifer to purify the Tabernacle, the furnishings, Priests and the people. This provision was sufficient to maintain the ‘ritual purity’ of the entire nation and its people for almost 2,000 years. As noted, if true, it would be spectacular that only 9 Red Heifers were ever prepared until the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. The Jewish Mishnah, which is an authoritative, written embodiment of Jewish oral tradition, teaches that only 9 Red Heifers were ever certified and sacrificed from the time of Tabernacle worship until the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 AD on Tisha B’Av.

The dilemma occurred that since the Temple no longer existed on the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and the entire nation of Israel were exiled to the 4 corners of the world. Technically not only the Jews became ‘ritually unclean’ but the entire Promised Land, the city of Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Because of this dilemma within Judaism presently, many Jews sought to reconstitute such ordinances, but with no success until now. It has been primarily the Temple Institute that has spearheaded the Red Heifer Project in an attempt to procure such animals. As far back as in the mid-1990’s, the Institute identified 2 candidates, one in 1997 and another in 2002 but they were later disqualified due to incurred blemishes.

Thus, this is why obtaining the Red Heifer is so critical in completing the work of such organizations as the Temple Institute and the Sanhedrin. According to Jewish tradition, the entire nation of Jews cannot be ‘ritualistically pure’ until then. Moreover, there can be no official 3rd Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem without the Red Heifer's blood being sprinkled on the Temple and the Temple's instruments cleansed according to God's instruction in Numbers 19. And the Daily Sacrifices cannot commence without this application of ashes, etc. Ceremonially, the elements needed for this ceremony have been lacking since the destruction of the 2nd Temple. All Jews today are considered ritually impure, thereby preventing the return of the Temple Service and the Daily Sacrifices.

Moreover, without the ashes or ‘chok’ of the Red Heifer, all the work over the decades of the Temple Institute and others as well as the Sanhedrin will be for not. This is why the Red Heifer is not only so important to the religious Jews but to those who have a pulse on End Time prophecy. Theologically, and ironically which is part of the mystery, is that the Red Heifer was used for cleansing and purification, yet those who touched it become unclean. Many are convinced of the symbolism pertaining to the direct correlations between the Red Heifer and Jesus. Consider that the Red Heifer, like the Passover Lamb was examined by the Jewish Priests to make sure it had no blemishes. The Red Heifer was slayed ‘outside the Camp’ and its blood and ashes are used for purification of sin. Thus, likewise, Jesus Christ was examined by the Priests and the Sanhedrin to make sure Jesus had no ‘blemish’.

The Requirements
The Sanhedrin judged and sentenced Jesus to be ‘sacrificed’ although no fault or ‘blemish’ was found in Him. Isaiah foretold that Jesus would be taken like a ‘lamb’ and would say nothing as a ‘sheep led to the slaughter’. Jesus was interestingly crucified ‘outside the Camp’ or that of Jerusalem at the time; just outside the Damascus Gate in-between the Garden Tomb and the Place of the Skull. Then as to the ashes of the Red Heifer mixed with water, at Jesus death, water and blood came forth from His body. Jesus rose from the dead to give such a propitiation for sin over Death. It was the life in the blood of Jesus that made and makes ‘dead’ people alive, foremost spiritually. The Gospel message is that salvation, theoretically is a 3-fold progressive process. It is all paid for and as good as done but since Humanity is locked-in into space and time, it is ‘progressive’ in its effect in this present dimension.

The Salvation of a human’s spirit, soul and body thus incorporates a justification, sanctification and glorification. Like the Red Heifer, the flesh of Jesus was ‘consumed’ at the Cross of Calvary that in essence was like the Altar of Sacrifice. Now those that were and are dead can have Eternal Life by sprinkling, figuratively speaking this ‘Water of Purification’ type or His blood on sinners. In order for a cow to qualify as a Red Heifer for the purposes of purifying Israel, Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the Temple and the Daily Sacrifices, it must meet the following requirements. This is outlined in Numbers 19, and also in the writings of the oral tradition of the Talmud. Only a cow that meets all the requirements may be used for the ashes of the Water of Purification ritual cleansing. The following is the list of the ceremonial requirements that the Red Heifer must possess.

1. The Red Heifer must be absolutely perfect in its redness. Even its hooves must be red.

2. The Red Heifer be 3 or 4 years old. Although older animals could be used, younger could not.

3. The Red Heifer must be free of any kind of internal or external defect or blemish.

4. The Red Heifer must not have been used for any type of physical labor and no yokes have been used.

Cedarwood, hyssop, and wool or yarn dyed scarlet were also added to the fire when the Red Heifer was sacrifices. The remaining ashes were then placed in a vessel containing spring water to purify all that become ritually contaminated by elements of ‘Death’. Interestingly, whosoever touched the Red Heifer, as the Jewish Priests did, became unclean. Thus, the issue for national Israel was also that the Temple, the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and the entire Promised Land became ‘ritualistically unclean’ when they ‘touched Jesus’ by rejecting Him as Messiah. Yet, whosoever ‘touches’ the purifying work of Jesus now by faith during the Church Age in the understanding of His Gospel of forgiveness based on mercy and grace is made ‘clean’. According to research, due to laws restricting the importation of live cattle into Israel, the Temple Institute had over the recent years imported frozen embryos of red anguses from the USA, implanting them in Israeli domestic cows. It was reported that the pregnant cows were then raised on various cattle ranches throughout Israel.

The 10th Red Heifer
It was also reported that a cow gave birth on August 28, 2018 to a Red Heifer, the first ever born in Israel. What was amazing was that the Sanhedrin along with the Temple Institute ‘certified’ this Red Heifer as qualifying to provide the Waters of Purification. More precisely, it was reported in Israeli news that about 1 week after several births, a newborn Red Heifer was certified by a board of Rabbis or those associated with the Sanhedrin as ‘fulfilling all the Biblical requirements’. The heifer was bred, examined, and is being raised under the guidance of the Temple Institute's ‘Raise a Red Heifer Program’. To reiterate, the Red Heifer is important to the religious Jews because its ashes are needed to cleanse the Temple and its instruments. Above all else, the Red Heifer is to purify all of Israel for its redemption so they can be found ‘worthy’ of receiving and only then have their Jewish Messiah arrives.

Also pertinent to the concept of the Red Heifer, is the belief that the ordinance of the Red Heifer is connected to Israel’s ‘red’ sin of the Golden Calf. Why? The Golden Calf idol is believed to have had a reddish hue. Thus, the Red Heifer is believed to serve in some way as an ‘atonement’ for the consequences of the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf at the foot of Mount Sinai when they were brought out of Egypt. Then when the Red Heifer is burned, its ashes are white. The imagery of a ‘red cow’ has then some relevant significance in YHVH promises, that ‘even though your sins are red as crimson, they shall whiten as snow.’ Historically, before the Jewish Exiles entering the land of Israel after the Exodus, it is said that a Red Heifer was burned ‘outside of the Camp’ to consecrate the Tabernacle in the Promised Land.

A Red Heifer was then used for Solomon’s Temple or the 1st Temple. Then when the Jewish Exiles entered the land of Israel after their Babylonian Captivity, they sacrificed the 8th Red Heifer since Moses, etc. In the days of Herod’s Temple, the 9th Red Heifer was taken to the Mount of Olives across a causeway built specifically for this purpose. The reason was to ensure that there was no inadvertent contact with areas along the way that may have been contaminated by dead bodies. This is how the Jews will ‘sanctify’ their Messiah with the 10th and last Red Heifer. This ‘last’ sacrifice of a Red Heifer will be so that this coming Jewish Messiah will be able to ride through the planted Muslim cemetery of their dead and through the double-doors of the Golden Gate perhaps.

Currently this is a problem of uncleanliness just outside the Golden Gate where Muslims have placed their dead to defile the coming Jewish Messiah. Also, there still remains the problem pertaining to where specifically the 10th and last Red Heifer is to be burned. Nonetheless, what is amazing and prophetic is that now Israel has procured a Red Heifer, a calf born in the Fall of 2018. The question now is, will the 2-3 window of time expire, or will another need to be born? The Red Heifer perhaps is paving the way for re-establishing the Temple ordinances of the Daily Sacrifices and marking the final stage of redemption for Israel. If the birth of the Red Heifer is of any prophetic significance, it is perhaps going to herald the coming of false Jewish Messiah. Then consider that there is a certain window of time that this current designated Red Heifer is to be sacrificed. This is the same principle that the Altar of Sacrifice has.

This Altar that is essentially an appendage of the 3rd Temple, dedicated in the same year as the Red Heifer. Coincidence? As noted both events occurred exactly on the 70th year of Israel’s other amazing prophetic restoration, it ‘rebirth’ in 1948. The Jews were also allowed to return to Judah as YHVH prescribed only after 70 years for not keeping the ‘Sabbath of the Land’. The Royal Decree by Cyrus gave the Jews the authority to rebuild the Altar of Sacrifice,  Jerusalem, its walls and most importantly, the Temple. According to Scripture, there was a delay in having the Exiles return right at the 70th year when King Cyrus made the decree. It is believed that there was a 2-year gap of time, making it essentially a 72-year time.

This 2-year window is something to keep an eye on prophetically. What is potentially a bombshell is that it is also believed that the Red Heifer has to be sacrificed between its 3rd and 4th year. The first work of restoration that the Jewish prepared after their Exile in Babylon was to rededicate the Altar of Sacrifice. Now it is not known if and when a Red Heifer was procured and then either slaughtered before or after the work was all completed. This required purification would have made Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the Altar, the Daily Sacrifices and the 2nd Temple holy once again.

It is rather telling that the Bible notes that only after the Altar of Sacrifice was dedication that precisely 1 year from the dedication of the Altar of Sacrifice was when the Temple work started. It is also amazing that the last dedication of the Altar of Sacrifice, made by Zerubbabel after the return to Jerusalem was done shortly after the 70th year of the Babylonian Captivity. It cannot be understated that on the very year of Israel’s anniversary of being ‘rebirthed’ as a nation in 1948, that both the Red Heifer is procured, certified and the Altar of Sacrifice is rededicated.

What is left but to consider prophetically is that the case for the ‘confirming of the Covenant’ with the ‘Many’ maybe the next stepping-stone to come perhaps. If this proves to be true, then what also will be spectacular to realize is that perhaps this is to mean that on one hand the Rapture of the Bride of Christ has arrived. Then, the 3rd Temple has got to be built or start to be built soon within this prophetic window of 2-3 year timeframe. It would be in sync with the dedication of the Altar of Sacrifice and the completion of the Temple Institute’s work of preparation for the Daily Sacrifices and the reconstitution of the Sanhedrin, etc. This would surely mark the beginning then of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years.


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