John B (3 Mar 2019)


The bible says in Zechariah 11 that God is going to “dismiss” three shepherds or three religious figures in the course of a months time.

I believe these three shepherds are three popes....... Francis, Benedict and John Paul II. Two who are presently alive and one has his body kept viable in a cryogenic chamber in the bowels of the Vatican.

Benedict was forced from office by the Ephesians 6:12 luciferian globalist's and resigned 28 February 2013 and was then replaced by the globalist's choice........ the Jesuit (black pope) Francis..... and his one world religion / governance agenda.

It's only a speculation on my part (based on scripture) but as an echo of Ecclesiastes 1 being..... what has been in the past will be again in the future.... wouldn't it be or seem to be an appropriate turn of events if Francis was “dismissed” by God on the same day Benedict was dismissed by the Luciferian globalists? That being on Thursday February 28.

If so, it could / would open the door for the beast from the bottomless pit to indwell the shell of John Paul to then assume the papal vacancy created. This would also as per scripture indicate that Benedict would also be dismissed by God within a month's time.

I am writing this and sending it to 5Doves on Tuesday February 26.

I know from scripture that these events will happen...... just not exactly when. So my speculation is that they will occur soon.......could soon mean two days from now?

If so this will signal the starting salvo of the 7 year end times period with popes dying, end time witnesses showing up and the first beast arriving on the world stage.

Blessings........John B