Gino (31 Mar 2019)
"RE: Fay: 03.24.19"

	I'm glad that you mentioned that about different Jewish sectors.
Around 30 years ago, the company that I worked for, closed on Good Friday, so I had it off.
I decided to go to preach the gospel, outside.
Since, on the catholic calendar, it was Good Friday, but on the Jewish calendar, that night was to be the Passover,
	I desired to go preach in a uniquely Jewish part of Chicago. 
When I got to an area, where I saw that most of the people walking around were Chabadnic, I parked and got out.
I stood on a busy corner, busy, mostly with people, not cars, preparing for the Passover that night.
As I preached the gospel, most everyone stopped and listened for a long time.
They were very polite to me, and open to listen to the gospel, and even to discuss.
Since that time, all my encounters with Chabadnic followers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson, were good encounters.
There were groups I have encountered, not only from Chicago, but Brooklyn, and also in the Chicago suburbs.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe has since passed on, but the Chabadnic Jews continue.
I cannot wait until the LORD opens their eyes, to see that it is Jesus who is their true, beloved Messiah.
It will be great to witness Chabadnic worship of Jesus when the veil is taken away.