F.M. Riley (3 Mar 2019)
"The "Sign" of the false Messiah!"

The "Sign" of the
false Messiah!
                                                                                         By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                         March 2, 2019
     "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition," 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
     This Scripture text warns God's people not to be deceived "by any means."  This tells us that there is no depths of depravity and wickedness, nor what appears to be good and righteous and innocent,  that Satan won't use, in order to deceive God's people.    Take this inspired warning seriously!  
     Two different events are set forth in this text Scripture, which are to proceed "the day of Christ," 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2.  
     [1]   There will come upon mankind a "falling away;" a turning away from the Lord God and the great truths of His Word.  
     [2]   "that man of sin" [the anti-christ] will come on the world scene, and will be revealed to all mankind left behind on the earth when the rapture occurs.  The inspired word explicitly states that he will be "revealed in his time," 2 Thessalonians 2:6.  In other words, not in our time!    
     There is obviously a very brief period of time between these two different events.  The first event is taking place among mankind on the earth right now as I write.  But the second event will take place for all of mankind left behind on the earth, right after the rapture has occurred, and the Tribulation Period has began.  
     Now our readers know the subject matter of this Bible Study.  Join us for a study which I pray will be enlightening and a blessing to every  reader.......
The "falling away" First
     The Scripture text chosen for this Bible Study clearly states that there will be a "falling away first." It is following this "falling away" that the "man of sin" [the anti-christ] will then be revealed.
     The first of these two "signs" is here; the "falling away."  
     What exactly is the "falling away?"  I am well aware of what is commonly taught today about the "falling away." I know that many today apply this statement to the rapture of God's people, in the sense of our departure from the earth.   But being aware of the popular opinion, and what is commonly taught,  I still choose to disagree.   Right up front, I do not believe for a minute that the "falling away" is referring to the rapture of God's people, and I am not the least bit hesitant to tell our readers why.   
     The Greek word translated into English as "falling away" is the word, "apostasia."  See Strong's No. 646.  This Greek word is derived from the Greek word, "apostasion," Strong's No. 647.  Both words are used in the New Testament when speaking of "departing from the faith."  Look at the definition of both words in Strong's Concordance, or in a Greek Lexicon.  The words literally mean, "a turning away; rebellion; to abandon; to forsake; to divorce; apostasy."  
     I am well aware that the translators of the Geneva Bible applied this expression, "falling away," to the rapture or departure of God's people from the earth preceding the Tribulation Period.  Some of the modern versions of the Bible followed the example of the Geneva Bible and also apply this expression to the rapture or departure of God's people from the earth.  But is this what this inspired statement is actually referring to?  Or, like all the rest of God's Word, is it setting forth a truth to be taken literally?  
     Dear readers, the Greek word translated as "caught up" in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 is the word, "harpazo."  See Strong's No. 726.  The Greek word used in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is "apostasia."  Two completely different words with completely different meanings,  whether some readers like it or not.
       My Bible plainly states that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God," 2 Timothy 3:16.   God's people are explicitly warned  twice in God's Word not to add to, or take from, the Word of God.  See Romans 3:4 and Revelation 22:18-19.  
     Therefore I have no intention of changing the word, "apostasia," in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to the word, "harpazo," in order to make it apply to the rapture.  
     Now dear reader, look around today.  Is there a "falling away"   from "the faith" set forth in God's Word, going on today?  Have many who  once "professed" Christ as their Savior, departed from the truths of God's Word, and are living for the flesh and the world?      Folks, I am an old man.  I have lived a long time.  I can remember when the churches were packed with people in nearly every service, and when there was a Bible believing church in nearly every town and village in America.  Now look at the spiritual situation in America today.  Many churches have simply closed their doors, and their buildings stand abandoned, or have been converted into homes or businesses.  Why?  
     Because the people simply stopped attending church services, and now occupy themselves with "bawl" games, or other activities.  Why?
       Because they were not being spiritually fed and encouraged by many preachers and pastors today.  Whether some  like it or not, 1 Peter 5:2 is still in the Bible.  Hello!
      There has been a great "falling away" from the faith and truth of God's Word going on since the end of the Second World War.  It has steadily grown worse over the past 74 years, and just look at the spiritual situation today!  We who are true believers are confronted every day with the apostasy of the world around us.  Plain enough?  
     Before I close this subject, let me assure our readers that I most certainly do believe in and preach, without apology to any man, the truth of the Pre-tribulation Rapture.  But there are plently of Scriptures which teach this truth, other than having to misapply the inspired statement about the  "falling away" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.  Now let's turn our attention to the second part of this inspired Scripture.......
The Revealing of the Man of Sin
     Dear readers, those who make an honest effort to  "rightly divide the Word of truth," [2 Timothy 2:15] know that the Lord Jesus Christ,  the true Messiah of Israel, will not be revealed to the whole world until after the end of the Tribulation Period, at His Second Coming, Matthew 24:29-30, Zechariah 14:3-4.   
     Yet, and dear readers, pay attention to this, the present day leaders of the Jewish religion, the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis in Jerusalem, are telling the Jewish people, that their long awaited Messiah of Israel, will be publicly  revealed  to Israel, and to all mankind, on the 9th day of April of this present year.  This so-called "revelation" of their messiah will take place right after the elections in Israel.  Now if this statement didn't soak in on our readers, then read it again.  April 9, 2019!  
     Do some of our readers want PROOF of the soon coming of Christ, and the swiftly approaching Tribulation Period?  Well, here it is!   These unbelieving, Christ rejecting, Jewish Rabbis have provided it.  Wake up!
Prophetically speaking, it is much later than some readers want to believe.  
     However, there is another prophetic event, not mentioned in our text Scripture, which is prophesied to take place between the "falling away," and the revelation of "the man of sin."  This other prophetic event with will occur is.......
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
     I am a strong believer in the pre-tribulation rapture, for the Lord's Church and all true believers.  No apology being made!  The Lord Jesus Christ, just as He promised in John 14:3, is coming "in the air," 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, to rescue His Church and believing people out of the path of imminent danger.  He will do this by rapturing every true believer off the face of this earth, and taking them "home" to glory in Heaven above.  But when?  
     The unbelieving Jewish Rabbis in Jerusalem  have given us a "date" of warning, April 9, 2019.  Every reader who is a true believer should immediately begin to set their house in order and take care of any last minute details.  Your present life on this earth, could now end at any minute of any day.  I personally expect our beloved Savior to come for His people BEFORE the revelation of the so-called messiah of Israel on April 9, 2019.  Our Lord may come before this present month of March is over.  If He does, then will every reader of this study  be ready to meet the Lord?  If a reader has even the slightest doubt, then read and act upon John 3:16-18, 3:36, 14:6, Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:8-13, Ephesians 2:8-10, and 2 Peter 1:10-11.  
    "Even so, come, Lord Jesus," Revelation 22:20.
Verification From "the Covenant"
     What I have set forth in this study may be astounding to some of our readers.  If so, let me approach this another way.......
     In Daniel 9:27, it is clearly stated that the anti-christ will make or "strengthen" "a covenant" with Israel and the Jewish people for a period of "seven weeks" [a week of years].  
     The Rabbis in Jerusalem have said that their "messiah" will be revealed on April 9, 2019.  Fascinating!  
     This "date" is in the 4th month of the year on our calendar, the 9th day of the month, the 19th year of this century.  
     "4" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "the flesh; the natural man; mankind."  
     "9" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "Spirit; Spirit of God; fruit of the Spirit; spirit of man; evil spirit; spirit of Satan."  
     "19" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "faith; Faith in God; faith in man; faith in the flesh; faith in the world."  
     Now let's add all three of these numbers.  4 plus 9 plus 19, and the sum is 32.  Amazing!  Why?  Because the anti-christ is prophesied to make or "strengthen" a covenant with Israel and the Jewish people, and..... "32" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "Covenant."  
     Glory to God!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  Our Lord Jesus is coming, just any day now, to remove His people from this present evil world, Galatians 1:4.  
A Warning to Every Reader
     The Lord Jesus explicitly warned, "For there shall arise false Christs
[messiahs], and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that: if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect," Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:5-6; Luke 21:8.  
     Dear readers, I have a strong conviction, that if this "man" that the Rabbis are going to reveal to mankind on April 9, 2019, had not already shown those Rabbis some great "signs and miracles," the Rabbis would not be convinced that he is their promised "messiah."  Simple logic!  
      Folks, Satan and his fallen angels have the power to manipulate matter, making it appear that they have performed some great miracle.  This can easily deceive people, and apparently these Rabbis in Jerusalem have been so deceived by the performances of this man, that they have come to believe he is their long awaited "messiah."  
      Don't allow  yourself to become a part of this deception.  The Lord Jesus Christ is not coming back to the earth, until after the Tribulation has run it's course.  Whoever this man is that the Rabbis are preparing to introduce to mankind on April 9th, is not the Christ of the Bible, but rather the anti-christ.  The only thing this announcement by the Rabbis proves, is that the coming of our true Savior and Lord is right at the doors.  Today?  Tonight?  Tomorrow? During this month of March?  Sometime between now and April 9th.  Be ready!  
     If any reader has never developed the habit of daily prayer, and serious dedicated Bible study, seeking the Lord for guidance and direction for your life, I can't think of a better time for such dedication to Christ Jesus than RIGHT NOW.  
     I am closing this study with tears of rejoicing, knowing that our Lord's very soon coming for His Church and His people has suprisingly been confirmed by the very people who rejected and crucified Him.  If the reader is a true believer, then rejoice with me, and keep looking up and listening for our Lord's shout.  Glory to God!  Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah!  Before another month has passed, we will likely be with the Lord in glory.  Every reader has been warned!  Isaiah 58:1.  
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     My personal contact information:
POSTAL.......Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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