Fay (31 Mar 2019)
"Gino- re Every Eye shall see Him"

Hi Doves and Gino,

Gino - thank you for your affirmation. Link to Gino's post below.

I don't push the 3.5 years of Great Tribulation because it would affect me. I am a believer so either timeline does not affect me. I keep pushing it because I can clearly see that there is not a 7 year tribulation ahead. Plain and simple. it's not easy holding this view as the majority will doggedly hold to a 7 year trib - based on Daniel 9. They also hold to the rapture happening at Revelation 4 where John is told to "come up here". It's not easy going against the prevailing wind.

I feel like I am a lawyer in a court room. For a start, we are told that we will have tribulation in this world. Agreed!  However, it's a different kind of trib when sudden brutish persecution starts happening 7 years prior to the end of Israel's 70 years. This is not about "difficulty". This is about life or death.  AND happening in the Biblical lands. Be -heading. One need not go any further. This brutish, evil, evil practise can only be from the devil. In this day and age? The rot and corruption evident in the world should be an indicator. The Jussie Smolett case being one of them. The butchery and slaughter in Chicago, London , Lebanon etc  One could go on.

The bottom line is that Almighty God's wrath is about to hit. He is not going to muck about with a small kind of wrath, leading up to a temper tantrum. When Almighty God explodes, it indicates the end. His patience is at an end. It is mind blowing how people still believe that humanity would survive a 7 year trib )on top of the one already being suffered - with a man made Temple being built in between.

Hey - send me to the naughty step if I am wrong. I'd rather clean lavatories in heaven than remain on this earth. Thank you, Gino.

God's Blessings.

RE: Fay: 03.17.19: every eye shall see him