Fay (31 Mar 2019)
"The Holocaust and 888"

I'm sure you are all suffering the same tension as I am. Trying to make sense of it all - knowing that our LORD must surely be on the threshold. Israel has completed the final 70 years given to her. We are overdue! The world is a mess and the Ezekiel 38 war has been on the horizon for what seems like an eternity now. The time is ripe and right.

The Holocaust popped into my head this afternoon. After watching a YT clip where Rabbi Glazerson talked about the Holocaust being akin to a sacrifice. I haven't posted it as the good Rabbi's accent is particularly difficult to understand in this one. He talked about the red heifer .. likening animal sacrifice to what happened to the Jewish people at the hands of Hitler. Apart from the absolute horror that occurred under Nazi Germany, I wondered again what this represented to Almighty God - who allowed it to happen. Let's face it - it was a sacrifice. Plain and simple. A mass slaughter of the Jewish people. It HAS to mean something very profound. So profound that it affects the timeline of the end of days. I see it as a payment of sorts. A bill that needed to be settled. After 6 million were slaughtered and the end of the war came in 1945 - the Jewish people were allowed back into the Holy Land. Only then could the final 70 years commence. 3.5 years after the end of WW2. Is this significant? As in 3.5 years of great tribulation?

I fully believe that Almighty God is not a God of confusion. That He is the Master and Creator of mathematics and His ways are perfection. Therefore, I believe that the minute Israel's final 70 years were up on May 14th, 2018, she went into labour. Straining to give birth to the 2nd coming of our LORD Jesus. We know that it is Israel - the woman - who gives birth to Messiah Jesus. See Micah 5 linked below. It stands to reason that it is Israel, again, who gives birth to Messiah Jesus for the 2nd time as per Revelation 12. Only once Israel had completed her final 70 years, given to her in Daniel 9:24...."70 weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy" - could she give birth again. In early May 2018, the Hawaii volcano erupted and kept going for 3 months. A slow, heavy and consistent bleed, if you will. Bringing to mind the start of childbirth. A difficult childbirth. Rife with impending danger.

280 days after Israel turned 70 years old (280 days being the human gestation period) Sirius was eclipsed for a brief moment. The super moon appeared in the skies on February 19th - and the Aurora dragon appeared. Bringing to mind Revelation 12. The Bible codes (Rabbi Glazerson) suggested that Messiah was anointed at that time. LORD Jesus had been caught up to heaven and appeared in the throne room "looking like a lamb that had been slaughtered". Revelation 5.

Doesn't it strike you that John, in Revelation 5, is weeping because nobody could be found to open the seals. I mean, John is in heaven way after our LORD Jesus ascended. And, Jesus is not apparent in heaven when John is there to see the future. Then, all of a sudden, John sees our LORD in a sacrificial mode "looking like a lamb who had been slaughtered" I ask the question - was our LORD Jesus not in a position to open the 7 seals until after Israel had completed her final 70 weeks? Was our LORD Jesus not able to present Himself as the sacrificial lamb, in the kingdom of heaven, until Israel had completed her final 70 weeks? I can only conclude that the answer is YES. This world has had to wait out the period allotted to Israel. As did our LORD Jesus. Nothing could happen until all prophecy and promises had been fulfilled. Or not fulfilled. Regardless - it is only until Israel had completed her final 70 weeks that she went into labour and finally gave birth. The super moon of February 19th marked this momentous event.

Going on this assumption - our LORD Jesus was caught up to heaven on the night of February 18th, 2019. The night that Sirius was eclipsed for a "blink of an eye" moment. As per Revelation 12, Israel had finally given birth. 280 days of human gestation after May 14th, 2018. 42 days later, lands on April 12th. Now I know that there are quite a few people who are highlighting Nissan 1 (April 6th) as a high watch date. And I agree that this is important. However - the number 42 is highly symbolic of our LORD Jesus. There are 42 days between February 18th, 2019 to April 12th, 2019. This date is 3 days after the Israeli elections Enough time to present "the deal of the century" perchance?

Another reason I am giving April 12th loads of attention is because of the count of days between the day of the last blood moon of 2015. This was also the day that Natan was caught up to heaven to receive prophecy. From September 28th, 2015 to March 11th, 2019 = 1,260 days. From March 11th to April 12 / 13 = 33 days. Not only that..... if we take the very probable starting point of September 28th, 2015 (final blood moon of the tetrad) through to May 5th, 2019, we get 1,335 days. Huh! I know it's a stretch, but scripture tells us that things are repeated and there is nothing new under the sun.

I will leave you to ponder on the links.


Bible Gateway passage: Micah 5 - New International Version

Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version

May God Bless and keep all of us.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus

