Fay (31 Mar 2019)
"Wonderful Study. New from Revelation12dotcom"

Hi John and Doves,

I particularly loved Paul's defence of the Jewish people, toward the end. The entire study is pertinent for our time. I am still amazed at how many times I have had to defend the Jewish people. It actually physically hurts when I read trash talk about the Jewish people - especially when it comes from so-called "Christians". May Almighty God forgive them.

Another reason this study struck a chord is the "no man knows the day or hour...." etc. Nobody approves of Christians doing a Harold Camping on the crowd. But, yearning, hoping and longing for our LORD;s appearance is a Biblical commandment. We are told to WATCH. I love it when Christians research and ask..."could it be....this time"? This has intensified recently - praise to the LORD. We should not be ashamed of working as a team - enquiring as a team - searching as a team. Very soon, somebody is going to be right. Bang on the money. Wowza - what a day that will be !!

No Man Knows | Man of Sin Revelation | Against Antisemitism