Cliff N (3 Mar 2019)
"What God has revealed to me"


Hi Jon
I have been following 5 doves for years.I too am expectantly waiting for the lord. Following the dreams I have had this past week about the rapture and its closeness.(The first dream God gave me was of a clock he told me is the clock of salvation.the clock was after 10 to 12.when the clock strikes 12 the rapture will occur).So I tell you with all confidence the time is here.
Now I will reveal to you truths that the Lord has revealed to me and correct some of the errors and misconceptions that I have seen about this on fivedoves

1)Barack Obama IS NOT the antichrist.The Antichrist will rise up from one of the 10 provinces that made up the Roman empire.that would be in the middle of Europe and Asia.I believe I know who it is and will reveal to you at the end of my letter.

2)The great tribulation is not 7 years.But 3,5 years.

3)America is not the false prophet.But actually mystery Babylon.(read Revelation 18 and see which country that now exists meets all the criteria outlined in that chapter)

4) There is no peace treaty to be signed.The. lord is the one who confirmed the Covenant with many when he brought in the covenant of Grace and put an end to the daily sacrife of the Law(thus ending the sacrifice of animals)

OK as promised I'll expose the Antichrist and tell you the sequence of what is about to occur.

The bible declares there will only be 4 empires before Christ's kingdom.(Daniel 7) these are Babylon, Medo Persia,Greece and lastly Rome.(the one with the 10 horns.)
These horns are


Now from one of these countries will rise up the Beast and his kingdom.
That country is were the original Roman empire was located and from that country will the little horn be located  also.That is ITALY and within it is the worlds smallest country (little Horn)The Vatican.

The Beast kingdom(Rome) was revived in February 11 1929 when the Pope was recognized as a sovereign.(Check your history)

Revelation 17:9-11 says:

“Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.

Now mountains means kingdoms so there have been 7 kingdoms coming out of the four beasts of Daniel(Remember Daniel's 4 Beasts contain 7 heads in total)
These are in order of their appearance.


Egypt,Syria,Greece, Turkey are the 4 heads of the leopard(Grecian empire)(Daniel 7)

All these 7 have one thing in common they have ruled over Israel at one point.(Again check your history books)

Now we know who the 7 mountains are but what about the seven kings

The 7 kings come from the revived Rome(a little horn) as earlier stated the Vatican.
>From 1922 the first Pope to crowned a sovereign is the first king.these are

Benedict XVI — April 19, 2005-Feb. 28, 2013.John Paul II — Oct. 16, 1978-April 2, 2005.John Paul I — Aug. 26-Sept. 28, 1978.Paul VI — June 21, 1963-Aug. 6, 1978.John XXIII — Oct. 28, 1958-June 3, 1963.Pius XII — March 2, 1939-Oct. 9,

1958.Pius XI — Feb. 6, 1922-Feb. 10, 1939.
(Pope Pius XI, born Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti, was head of the Catholic Church from 6 February 1922 to his death in 1939. He was the first sovereign of Vatican City from its creation as an independent state on 11 February 1929.Wikipedia)

Now from revelation 13 where it says the number of the Beast is the number of a man and the number Is 666.And 17 let's locate the beast and his kingdom.

here's the mind which has wisdom
We are looking for
1)the revived 6th king(the first 6)

2)of the revived 6th kingdom.(the second 6)

3)who is nothing but a 6(number of Man and Beast ,remember Genesis chapter 1,man and created on 6th day)

Let's put it together

The revived 6th kingdom is Rome(check our timeline of kingdoms above)
The Vatican is the revival.

Next the 6th king out of the 7 kings of the Vatican will be revived(or resurrect ed) from Pius XI, John Paul II is the 6th King who will revive.(imagine the most respected ,well known and most loved pope of the end times generation rising from the dead.

The number of man/beast (6 ) but he claim that he is God (7) (7 is the number of God).

Now who is this beast(Antichrist) that was is not and yet is.
OK the Antichrist is called the son of perdition by Paul in 2 Thessalonians.

And Jesus showed us who he is

John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. 

We all know who he is talking about Judas Iscariot.

So here it is Judas will rise from the bottomless pit and enter John Paul II's body.and fake a ressurection.

Now for the timing of the rapture
The 7th king is the one of the keys

Now listen very carefully in Revelation 17:10 says when the 7th king comes (that was Benedict xvi) he will continue a little.and true to the word of God when his reign ended he continued to live

(kings reigns in Rome were connected  their lifespans,their reign ended when they died.)

But Benedict the 7th king is not dead yet so the 8th king (Judas) cannot rise from bottomless pit.

Now here is the interesting part, the 7th king must continue a little while means he will continue to live for less than the number of years his reign was.

As shown above Benedict XVi reigned from April 19 2005- Feb 28. 2013(when he abdicated the throne.That is 7 years 10 months.
Now from Feb 28 2013(when he stepped down) till today Feb-March 2019 it has been  6 years. 

The great tribulation starts on a passover and 3,5 years later ends on the feast of booths(sept-Oct) the second co fulfilling the fall feasts just as he did the spring ones at his first coming)

So I present to you the possible date for rapture.

1)A little over a month before passover 2019 w
2) Sept-Oct 2019 the great tribulation starting in March- April 2020
The most likely date by my deduction.