Chance (31 Mar 2019)
"Watch Dates for this Spring, 2019, Part II"

Hello John and Doves,

Some more dates to add to the list (refer to my other letter posted today on Five Doves):

Adar II 23 (First anniversary of the "Great March of Return" where Palestinians are to protest along the Gaza border):  March 30  (this letter will be posted on Five Doves March 31)

Nissan 10 (Passover/Pesach)  The Sanhedrin will oversee a full-dress reenactment of the Passover offering at the Davidson Center next to the Temple Mount:  April 15

Nissan 14 (Eve of Passover and Western churches' Good Friday):  April 19

Nissan 16 - Easter Day (second day of Passover Week and Day One of the Omer count; Western churches celebrate Easter on the first full moon after the spring equinox, April 21; Eastern churches celebrate Easter on April 28 because they use the Julian calendar not the Gregorian calendar.  In 2025 the Western and Eastern churches will celebrate Easter on the same day):  April 21

I'll add more dates to the list as we go along.  Hopefully, soon after April 9 we'll have a date for the release of the new peace plan.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!


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