A Goodrick (31 Mar 2019)
"Hebrews 10:25--Fellowshipping together"

When the world was abnormally-normal,
I enjoyed my friends and the time I spent with them. But when the world became abnormally-abnormal, I had to reprioritize.
I had to cling to Hebrews 10:25...
"fellowship with one another all the more as you see the day approaching."

For me, that meant keeping company with my Blood-bought, Born Again, Bible reading friends, and gradually releasing former ties. 

I needed far more time to read the Word of God, to pray and to think, realize,
and meditate...to be in the atmosphere of God.

Not because of being holy
or better, but because I needed the reinforcement that comes from the energy of God. 

It seems to me that we are living in a very demonic world where good-is-bad, and bad-is-good.
We need the stamina necessary to fight the good fight of Faith
( 1 Timothy 6:12 ).

My Spiritual vitamins I take are:
Five Doves (John Tng)
Scroll to
" Latter Day Letters."

Pastor Paul has daily news and encouragement on YouTube 9am California time, and 7pm
On Thursday night's, he has a special guest---
who applies the science of the heavens to today's Biblical phenomenon.
Extremely interesting.

with Shannon Davis who has marathon talk shows on YouTube with amazing testimonies from his guests.

We are in the last lap of
our Spiritual race in life.
Hebrews 12:1.
We are getting closer to the Finish Line.
Let us encourage one another as we press
toward the worthy goal
of eternal life with Jesus Christ.
In His agape love,
A. Goodrick