Steve W (20 Mar 2016)
"RE: The Narrow Road"

RE: The Narrow Road.   Hi TH. You are correct! The key to the High Calling of Christ is Death to Self, the world and all the pride, deceit, and lust that goes with it. This includes being serious about the race that is set before us. The problem is all those distractions. We tend to forget that the winning of this race, as Paul puts it, is actually death to self. NOT what you might call an exciting subject. It also requires a burning flame that is or should be inside us. That means having a hunger and love for the Lord that might keep us awake some nights because the Holy Spirit is so strong within us and all we can do is worship. Our eyes and our heart are like flint in our obedience and desire to please Him! The goal is that Jesus is seen and well...there isn't much left of the old self. We tend to forget the key reason we are here and really shouldn't as satan and his minions sure don't. Their goal is you in hell. Think that can't happen? Read the Word. We are called to work out our salvation with "Fear and Trembling". Without Holiness, No man will see God. How you view the Word of God is directly how serious you view the need to bathe daily in His Precious Blood. How strong you will be in the battle! Understand the battle is above the eternity of you, your family and loved ones. Jesus died a gruesome death. The part that is seldom mentioned is that all the demons in hell also attacted Him. All for us. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering. SteveW