Sharon Gilbert (20 Mar 2016)
"Easter in March; Passover in April.  What?"

Easter really sneaked up on me this year.  Passover is not until April 23, and yet Easter shows up on March 27.   That makes Good Friday fall on March 25 which is the last day of Purim on the Jewish calendar.  So we are celebrating Christ's resurrection almost a month before He was crucified on Passover.  Good Friday, symbolizing Christ's crucifixion and death this year is the same day that the Jews were delivered from Haman as a consequence of Esther's plea to the king celebrated on Purim.   How messed up is that?   I know that Easter sometimes falls in March and sometimes in April but it is clearly tied to something other than Passover, though it seems Passover is the very thing it should be tied to since Easter is celebrated as Christ's resurrection.

Do we have our pagan gentile heritage to blame for this?