Sharon Gilbert (20 Mar 2016)
"Movie, "The Young Messiah""

The movie "The Young Messiah" hit theatres here in Arizona March 11, and I saw it March 14, Monday in the afternoon.  There were only 5 people in the theater  audience, even though it is spring break for the schools here.  After I saw it I thought, what a shame it is not being attended by more, or it will surely not be around during Passover and Easter holidays when more of the secular might see it out of curiosity.  Anyway I found it to be very inspirational and spiritual, even though little of Jesus's childhood is found in scripture.  The plot followed the holy family from Egypt back to Nazareth and to observe Passover in Jerusalem, and the dealings they had with the Roman occupation.  Here is the plot summary from  "The inspiring and unique story of seven-year-old Jesus Christ and his family as they come to a fuller understanding of His divine nature and purpose."