Mathman (20 Mar 2016)
"What to watch for next on the end-times event calendar"


Dear Doves,


I believe that the next events to watch for on the end-times calendar is as follows, wherein I still believe we have a bit of a wait until the Rapture (best guess of June 7, 2017, although I am praying for the Rapture to occur much sooner, today would be preferred!):


-      Soon:  Buzz will begin in the media, starting with false rumors (which there already were) that O will be the next Secretary General of the United Nations (“SGUN”).  At first, O will deny the rumors completely, but then will “slowly” bow to international pressure to “at least consider it”.  However, this will all be an act and a staged media event.  In reality, I believe that O already really, really wants to be the next SGUN and that the NWO already has had exactly this planned and in the works for years now.


-      June / July 2016:  O is named the next SGUN.  Ban Ki-moon’s five year term expires on December 31, 2016 and the successor is always announced the summer before, which is this summer, the summer of 2016.  In less than five months, we’ll find out if this actually occurs.  Just don’t be shocked when this happens.  The question is – will the UN soon move their headquarters out of the U.S.A. as well?  I put this as a 50/50 chance, so this too should not come as a shock if it occurs.  So, why do I think that the UN will move their headquarters out of NYC?  While the NWO would give some false pretext for doing so, perhaps saying that the U.S.A.’s hostility towards Muslims or Trump’s mere existence, justifies the move, in reality, the UN HQ would really be moved because the NWO knows that nuclear destruction is soon to be visited upon New York and wants to move the UN Headquarters before this happens.


-      September 2016:  UN Security Council (UNSC), upon the U.S.A. abstaining from voting (as has already been previously threatened by O), passes a Resolution that requires the Two-State Solution for Israel / “Palestine” be implemented.  While General Assembly Resolutions are “voluntary”, UNSC Resolutions become International Law once passed.  Alarmingly, the abstaining by the U.S.A. on this critical vote doesn’t even require approval by Congress to do so!  Even more alarmingly, once this Resolution is passed by the UNSC, there is absolutely nothing that the next President can do to reverse it as the other countries with a veto would simply veto a subsequent Resolution made to reverse this.  If this happens, it will surely be a huge event in God’s Great End-Time Calendar and would fit in perfectly with prophecy!


-      Timing uncertain:  Massive ISIS attack on Israel.  Under the radar screen as of now is Libya.  Some analysts believe that Libya is where ISIS trains and is based out of.  Make no mistake, ISIS is secretly backed by the New World Order (NWO) and has plenty of money and weapons to mount an effective attack against Israel.  However, the timing of any such attack by ISIS on Israel still remains quite uncertain to me.  Here are a few options:


o   Option 1:  “Soon” attacks by ISIS could be used to give the UNSC an excuse to bring up the Resolution to “solve the reason” for the attacks


o   Option 2:  ISIS could attack Israel soon after the UNSC Resolution is passed, wherein Israel may be forced to fully comply with the now passed Resolution before the U.S.A. or anyone else will aid them in repelling such attacks


o   Option 3:  After Israel finally starts building the second Temple, this could radically inflame ISIS to attack then.  This could force an early “UN Presence” to “keep the peace and security”


Commentary:  O hates Israel with a passion.  Not only that, but O wants desperately to be “the one” to solve the middle east problem that has eluded all other leaders for over 3000 years.  That way, O would be fawned over even more and would garner world-wide praise.  So why hasn’t O already allowed the UNSC to pass this Resolution?  Quite simply, I believe that passing the Resolution earlier in O’s Presidency would have been too far away from the completion of his Presidency for him to personally take this on himself.  Indeed, I believe O wants to personally force the implementation of this Resolution and enforce it once he becomes the next SGUN.  After all, is this not just like the Anti-Christ he is destined to be and was foretold to want to do?  To allow for this to happen, O has waited patiently until the end of his Presidency in order to be able to take over as the SGUN at just the right time for this to all be implemented.  Interesting times indeed!


*             *                  *                  *                    *                *


Brothers and sisters, are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky?  Repent and believe that grace is by faith alone and can ONLY be attained through Jesus Christ.  Get ready and leave the temptations of this world behind and ready yourself as a Bride.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan