Mathman (20 Mar 2016)
"North Korea's threat to soon destroy the U.S.A. is NO JOKE!!"


Dear Doves,


North Korea openly declared war on the U.S.A. on April 4th, 2013.  This has never changed and has never been rescinded.  Here is a REALLY brief summary of how I believe the Rapture / Sudden Destruction will soon happen:


-      China and Russia will supply North Korea with hundreds of high tech missiles, ones no one has ever seen before, so high tech as to be like the anti-matter bomb hinted to in the “Angels & Demons” movie


-      These missiles will be loaded on to a couple of dozen old barge ships marked with various flags


-      The barge ships will come to the USA and park all along the East Coast & West Coast about 200 miles off, still in international waters, and will be as if it was everyday business (because it is)


-      Within 15 minutes of the order, they will all launch there missiles at the very same time


-      Without those on the Barges knowing the NWO had this planned, and shortly after the launch of the missiles are completed, the Barges, secretly each armed with an anti-matter or similar weapon, self-destructs completely, leaving no evidence whatsoever - THIS IS THE PERFECT CRIME!!


-      Rapture section below fits in here


-      Within 10 minutes, every single major coastal city of the U.S. will be in flames


-      Within 1 hour, New York, modern day “City of Babylon”, will be completely destroyed (as per Revelation)


-      Within 1 day, the rest of the USA will be decimated


-      On day 2, the invasion begins by the multi-million man North Korean army, along with the Chinese and Russians, hitting a collapsed USA in chaos, taking it for plunder, whoever remains raped and murdered, men and women. This will be described in the NWO-controlled media as a peace mission "to help", but it will be anything but a peace mission!!


The Time of Great Deception will only escalate from here! O will be in the wings, the two-time Nobel Peace prize winner ready to guide the World from chaos into order.


In conjunction, I believe the Rapture will happen like this:


-      As the missiles are in the air, time freezes

-      The sky rolls back like a scroll


-      The moon turns to blood and the sun is blacked out


-      Jesus appears in a cloud of light to the whole world, those who don't believe in Jesus ("the Tribes of the World") weep in horror


-      His Angels go forth and collect us to safety in the Rapture


-      Within minutes, this is over and the sky goes back to normal


-      Time unfreezes and the missiles continue on their way




IMPORTANT:  Please note that one of SparrowCloud9's dreams POSSIBLY describes a few hour period where we may still be here after the attack.  If this is the case, as Erin (SparrowCloud9) was in her dreams, we will be supernaturally transported, with our children, to a safe place.  In Erin's scenario, it was to a forest road on top of a hill where she watched the destruction below.  As she was worrying about food, medicine, water and shelter, then the Angels collected her and her children.  Others who are out of harm’s way, perhaps on a farm in the middle of the U.S.A., may not even be aware that this is happening.  In a scenario also described in one of Erin's dreams, this particular group of “out of harm’s way” of people simply looked at the sky and saw the Angels coming for them in the Rapture.


*             *                  *                  *                    *                *


Brothers and sisters, are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky?  Repent and believe that grace is by faith alone and can ONLY be attained through Jesus Christ.  Get ready and leave the temptations of this world behind and ready yourself as a Bride.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan