Judith (27 Mar 2016)
"In case you're wondering............."

........why my feast dates are calculated from the initial time they originated -
(from the dates given to us from scripture in my Calendar studies, I have a
simple answer for you and will make it short.
It seems that those in Israel responsible for establishing the date for Passover
this year can't even agree on what date that should be.  So, when is Passover?
Well, according to scripture it's March 14 on the Jewish Calendar - "the first
month, 14th day".  Sorry, like those in Israel I can't tell you either when the
Passover is on the Lunar calendar cycle.
Don't misunderstand, I realize that in Leviticus Israel was told to establish the
Civil calendar and feast days according to the Lunar cycle - that makes sense
from that particular scriptural perspective.   However, there is another perspective
we should be considering which, it seems, is ignored.
Here's the question.......when should you celebrate your birthday?  Christmas?
New Years and other memorable dates?  If you answer on the initial date
they occurred you are right from one perspective, but what of the other one?
I'm talking about LEAP days.  That's right, if you were to take into consideration
the leap days occurring in the interim years your celebration date would need to
be adjusted - hopefully, you're not born on a leap day!
What causes for confusion is the co-mingling of the two differing ways some are
using when calculating dates for a timeline for these end times.  By this I mean the
360/day and the 365.25/day year which is either established on the Lunar cycle or
the set established date.. For instance, I see some are calculating the Jubilee year
from 1967 on the 365 or 365.25/day year and some on the 360/day year  and ending
up with different dates entirely.  So when is the Jubilee year and date.  Well, scripture
says September 10 - the "10th day in the seventh month" on the 360/day calendar.........
oh, you mean September or July?  See what I mean?  The right way, IMO, is to
calculate the establish 1967 on the 365.25/day and find the corresponding year on
the 360/day which would be the year 1996 beginning in March not January.  Our
current year of 2016 corresponds or equates to 2045 on the 360/day which would be
49 years on the 360 day - 1996 + 49 = 2045.
Well, it is still in September on the 10th day according to the original date it was
established and therefore will be a memorable date for eternity.  Imagine having
to re-adjust the Passover date in heaven.  So, which date will it be?   March 14 -
the same date as the Exodus.
This is why I use the 360/day corresponding to the 365.25/day year in my studies.
It makes sense and I believe is the only way we can establish a dependable
timeline.  But, when all is said and done, we have to conclude that currently we
do have the need for both perspectives - one on the Lunar cycle and the other
for the stability that's needed when celebrating our holidays.  Christmas will always
be December 25 and yes Passover is still March 14 and yes, no one knows for
sure when it is on the Lunar cycle!
Much can be discussed about the need for the 360/day year in a timeline study,
but I'll conclude here.
Keep looking up,