Judith (27 Mar 2016)
"Final corrected Calendar Study?"

Revised and corrected study completed in March, 2016.
Dates are listed with the 360/day first then the 365.25/day.
                                                    GOD'S CALENDAR STUDY


    YEARS            YEARS                        GENEALOGY & MISC. INFO    
At 360/day    At 365.25/day    (Calendar begins March on the 360/day)
             CREATION              -    Adam lived 930/916.6 yrs.

      130               128.1         -    Adam 130 yrs. - Seth born/lived 912/898.9 yrs.
+    105          +   103.5            
      235               231.6         -    Genealogy Continued
+      90          +    88.7        
     325               320.3          -      "                  "
+     70          +    69_
    395               389.3           -       "                  "
+    65          +     64.1

     460                  453.4             -         "                   "
+   162           +    159.7
     622                 613.1              -    Enoch born - lived 365/359.8 yrs.
+     65           +      64  

     687                677.1              -    Methuselah born - lived 969/955.1 yrs.
+   187           +  184.3

     874                861.4              -    Lamech born - lived 777/765.8 yrs.
+     56          +      55.2
     930                916.6              -    Adam dies.
+     57          +     56.2
     987                 972.8             -    Enoch dies.
+     69          +      68    
   1056               1040.8             -    Noah born - lived 950/936.3 yrs.
+   500         +      492.8
   1556               1533.6             -    Shem, Ham, Japeth - begin births.
+       2         +          2    
   1558               1535.6             -    Shem born - lived 600/591.4 yrs.
+     93         +        91.7
   1651              1627.3              -    Lamech dies.
+       5         +         4.9  
   1656             1632.2               -    Methuselah dies - 969/955.1 - BEGIN FLOOD.  
+       1         +            1                   360 =April 17/June 27 on 365.25.

   1657             1633.2               -    END FLOOD.   Noah out of Ark April 27/ July 3  
+        1        +        1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  +                   
   1658             1634.2               -    Shem 100/98.6 - 2 yrs. AFTER FLOOD  -
+     35        +       34.5                   Arpachshad born lived 438/421.9 yrs. 
   1693             1668.7               -    Genealogy Continued
+     30        +       29.5
   1723             1698.2               -    Eber born - lived 464/457.3yrs. 
+     34        +       33.5
   1757            1731.7                -    Peleg born - lived 239/235.6 yrs. 
+     30        +      29.6
   1787            1761.3                -    Genealogy Continued
+     32        +      31.5
   1819           1792.8                 -     "                    "
+     30        +     29.6
   1849           1822.4                 -     "                    "
+     29        +     28.6
   1878           1851                    -    Terah (Abraham's father) born - lived 205/202.1 yrs.
+     70        +     69
   1948           1920                    -    Terah's first born - (not Abraham) - (See Acts
+     48        +    47.3                       Ch. 7:1-6).
   1996          1967.3                  -    Peleg dies.
+     10        +      9.9
   2006          1977.2                  -    Noah dies.
+       2        +     1.9
   2008         1979.1                   -    Abraham born - lived 175/172.5 yrs. - Terah
                                                       130/128.1 yrs. at Abraham's birth. (See Acts
+     75       +     74                          Ch. 7:1-6).
   2083        2053.1                   -    Terah dies - Abraham 75/73.9 yrs. - departs to 
                                                      Canaan.  (See Acts Ch. 7:1-6; Gen. Ch. 11:32;
+       7      +    6.9                          Gen. Ch 12:1-4).
  2090       2060                        -    Abraham 82/80.8 yrs. - after Egypt - begin 430 yr.  
                                                      bondage.  (March); (See Gen. Ch. 15)  (See Ex.
+     4      +     3.9
  2094       2063.9                     -   Ishmael born - Abraham 86/84.8.
+    13     +    12.8
  2107       2076.7                     -   God promises Sarah/Abraham a son - Sarah 90/88.7
                                                      Abraham 99/97.6 yrs.
+      1     +     1  
  2108      2077.7                     -    Isaac born - lived 180/177.4 yrs.
+    12    +   11.8
 2120      2089.5                           CONFIRMATION:
                                                     Isaac offered as sacrifice - Abraham  
                                                     tested and begins 400 yrs. Egyptian bondage - 
                                                     (See Acts 13:20-21) Mar. 14 on 360 & Sept. 23 on  
                                                     365.25.  Also, 430/450 yrs. -  (See Gal. 3:16-17).
+   38     +    37.5
 2158       2127                       -    Shem dies.
+   10     +     9.8
 2168      2136.8                     -    Jacob born - lived 147/144.9 yrs.




   2168            2136.8            -    Jacob born - lived 147/144.9 yrs.
+     15         +     14.8
   2183            2151.6            -    Abraham dies.
+       4         +       4
   2187            2155.6            -    Eber dies.
+    58         +     57.1
  2245            2212.7             -    Jacob 77/75.9 yrs. - Stolen blessing.  Departs to
+      7         +       6.9                  Haran.
  2252            2219.6             -    Jacob marries Leah.  Begin 490 + 480 count to
+      7         +       6.9                  the building of Solomon's Temple.  (See I Kings 6:1)
  2259            2226.5            -    Joseph born           
+      6         +       5.8
  2265            2232.4            -    Jacob 97/95.6 yrs. - Flight from Haran.  Renamed  
                                                   Israel after serving 20 yrs. for Leah & Rachael.  .
+    24         +     23.7
  2289              2256.1           -   Joseph 30/29.6 yrs.  Becomes Governor of Egypt.     
+      7         +        6.9
  2296              2263              -    Ends 7 yrs. plenty.
+      2         +         2   
  2298              2265              -    Ends 2 yrs. famine.  Jacob 130/128.1 yrs.   Into   
+      5         +         4.9                Egypt.
  2303              2269.9           -    End  famine.
+    12         +       11.8
  2315              2281.7           -     Jacob dies.
+    54         +       53.2
  2369              2334.9           -     Joseph dies.
+    71         +       70      
  2440             2404.9            -     Moses born - lived 120/118.3 yrs. 
+    40         +      39.5
  2480             2444.4            -     Moses leaves Egypt.
+    40         +      39.4
  2520             2483.8            -     Exodus - March 14/15 on 360/day & Dec. 24/25 on 
                                                    365.25 day. Arrive Sinai May 14/15 on 360 & Feb.     
                                                    22/23 on 365.25.  After 3 days God comes down   
                                                    on Mt. Sinai - May 17/18 on 360 & Feb. 25/26
                                                    on 365.25. Leave Sinai April 20/Jan. 23/24 in the
                                                    second year.
+    40         +      39.4   
  2560             2523.2           -     Moses dies Jan. 2559.9.      
                                                   End 40/yr wilderness journey.  Enter Gilgal March
                                                   10/May 23Passover March 14/May27
+    10.5      +     10.3 
  2570.5         2533.5             -    End 50 yrs. (See Acts 13:17-20) - Sept. 10/Sept. 28.
   2570.5          2533.5
+   171.5      + 169
   2742          2702.5               -    End 1st 490 years from Jacob.  Begin 480/yr ct.  
                                                    to Solomon and the building of the temple.  See
                                                    1 Kings 6:1.  (See 490/480 Study below).
+  480.1      + 473.2
   3222.1      3175.7                -   Begin Solomon's Temple 2nd month (April).     
                                                   David's reign began approx. 3178 on 360/day; 
                                                   3132.3 on 365.25/day.  Ended 3218 on 360/day    
                                                   and 3171.7 on 365.25/day.  Begin Solomon. 
+      7.5      +    7.4
  3229.6      3183.1                 -   End Temple  8th month (October) see 1 Ki. 6:38.    
                                                   Temple built in 7 yrs. & House 13 yrs.
+    13        +  12.9      
  3242.6        3196                  -   End House.  Shekinah Glory enters Temple at 
                                                   dedication Ark placed in Temple - 
+    15.4      +   15.2                    September 15th on 360/day. See 1 Ki. 8:2. 
                                                   Lev. 23:33 -Tabernacles).  Aug. 21 on 365.25/day. 
  3258          3211.2                -   End Solomon's reign.


   3258              3211.2                   -    End Solomon's reign.
+   338       +       333.1
   3596             3544.3            -    Begin Josiah - reigned 31/30.6 yrs.
+     13       +        12.8
   3609            3557.1             -    End 13 yrs. Prophet's warning.
+       5       +         4.9
   3614            3562                -    Josiah's 18th yr.  Passover restored.
+     13       +       12.8
   3627            3574.8             -    End Josiah.  Begin Nebuchadnezzar 23 yrs.  
+     23.3    +       23                     to final captivity. Jehoahaz reigned 3 mos.  
                                                    Begin Jehociachim reigned 11 yrs.
   3650.3         3597.8
                                                    1st DEPORTATION - Begin Nebuchadnezzar's 
                                                    19 yr. siege of Jerusalem.  The Shekinah Glory
                                                    departed the temple Aug. 5/6 in the 6th yr. of
                                                    Jehociachin's reign - 360/day.  Sept. 17/18 on
                                                    365.25. (See Ez. 8:1 & 9:3; Ch. 10.  

                                                    End Jehociachim.  Jehociachin reigned 3 mos. & 
                                                    taken captive.  Begin Zedekiah.   Reigned 11 yrs.  
                                                    Begin 2nd DEPORTATION - 9th yr. of Zedekiah,
                                                    10th mo., 10th day (December 10).  See 2 Kings 
                                                    3rd DEPORTATION - End Zedekiah.  End
                                                    Nebuchadnezzar's 19 yr. siege.  Begin 70 YR
                                                    CAPTIVITY - 7th day of 5th mo. (July 7) the 11th
                                                    yr. of Zedekiah - (See 2 Ki. 25:8 & Jeremiah 1:3.
                                                    (360/day) Jan. 17 on 365.25/day. Click link for
    3650.3           3597.8               Begin 70 Yrs. CAPTIVITY.              
+      70       +        69                  

    3720.3              3666.8             -    End Babylon Captivity.


    3720.3             3666.8              -    End Babylon Captivity.
+    522.2       +      514.7
   4242.5           4181.5           -   BIRTH  OF JESUS  -  Star of Bethlehem -
                                                   Sept. 10/11 on 365.25 & Sept. 4/5 on 360/day.   
+      1.5      +          1.5               Atonement and Jubilee date - 
                                                   (See Lev. 23:26 & Lev. 25:8-10).
   4244              4183              -   Both dates = March 1BEGIN OUR CURRENT 
                                                   CALENDAR COUNT.   Mary and Joseph take Jesus  
                                                   into Egypt to escape Herod.
+    31.5      +       31
  4275.5           4214               -   JESUS' CRUCIFIXION - Aug. 27/28 on 360/day.  
                                                   March 14/15 on 365.25/day calendar.
+ 3/days    +  3/days
  4275.5           4214               -   RESURRECTION - March 17/18 on 365.25 day  
                                                   and Aug. 30/Sept 1 on 360/day.
+ 40/days  + 40days
  4275.6          4214.1             -   ASCENSION - April 26/27 on 365.25/day and  
                                                   October 11/12 on 360/day, PENTECOST =
+   39.6      +       39.1                 May 6/7 &  Oct. 21/22.

 4315.2           4253.2             -   Destruction of Temple - June 9 on 365.25/day  
                                                   and June 18 on 360/day.

    4315.2          4253.2          -   Destruction of Temple.
+  1905.4      +  1878
    6220.6          6131.2          -   Israel becomes a Nation - Oct 12/13 on 360/day  
                                                  & May 14/15 1948 on 365.25/day calendar.
+     19.4       +     19.1
    6240            6150.3           -   Israel captures Jerusalem - 6/day war - Feb 16/17 
+     49.5    +        48.8               on 360/day & June 9/10, 1967 on 365.25/day
   6289.5          6199.1          -    POSSIBLE Rapture/Tribulation year/dates. (See
                                                  2520 yrs. Rapture/Tribulation Study).  Click on link -


In the Calendar Study a time-line is given for the building of Solomon's temple. In
1 Kings 6:1 it says "In the four hundred and eightieth year AFTER the Israelites had
come out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel in the month of
Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord", KJV.

We have two options as to how we calculate the number of years -

1. Beginning FROM the Exodus.

2. Or sometime "AFTER" the Exodus to the 4th yr. of Solomon's reign

The verse in 1 Kings 6:1 doesn't say FROM but rather "AFTER". Therefore, we can
conclude it was sometime after they arrived/left Mt. Sinai that the 480th year begins.

They left Sinai in the 2nd year; 40 years in the wilderness; 5 years for distribution
of the land.

After those years follows 40 yrs. for Eli (1st Samuel 4:18); then about 20 yrs. for
Samuel, 40 yrs. for Saul as King; 40 yrs. for King David; finally 4 yrs. for Solomon.
Totaling 191 years.

There was a length of time when there was oppression and when Judges didn't rule. 
In addition, there was a length of time when there was no King and everyone did as
he pleased (Judges 21:25). No specific time is mentioned, but there came a time
when the people asked God for a King and God gave them Saul.

I believe the 480th year is related to the 490 years (70x7).
Blessing to all who love the Lord,