Chris (27 Mar 2016)
"by his blood By Chris"

By his Blood  3/22/2016

By his Blood Jesus has made a way His only way. By His blood He shed on the cross we are alive and someday we will have eternal life. Because of our disbelief in Him, our Lord is nailed to the cross every day for our sins; and every day we turn our backs on him and do not believe in him he feels pain in His hands and feet. Every time we do not care or want anything to do with Him, He has pains in His side where they put the spear.  Our Lord has fed us and gives us water to drink. He kept us safe when wars were killing our children who were fighting for our freedoms.  We have to stand strong as one nation under God.  Jesus has not asked us for much but to look to Him for all our needs and to thank Him for supplying all we need.  All Jesus asks in return is that we love Him, thank Him and worship and believe in Him. We need  to stop our hate for one another that is tearing us apart every day of our lives. Learn to love one another like we did in the old days. We can do this and help one another--red, yellow, black, and white we are precious in his sight. So let us stop tearing each other apart and help one another make life more easy. Learn to love life more, listen to the birds that sing every day and look around  at what we have here in America that other countries do not have. We are the great America that we built with our bare hands brick by brick and stone by stone, ships by ships, planes by planes.  We have the strongest military in the world and it is growing stronger every day by our hands. We can become even stronger by holding our hands together one by one.  We can do this together and build an even a stronger America; and let no other countries ever think they can push us around anymore. Let us raise our strong arms to our nation that we built long ago and stand up and raise our flags all over America with honor; and say that we can do this together and no one can stop us--THE GREAT AMERICA FROM DOING WHAT WE DO TOGETHER WITH ONE NATION UNDER GOD LIKE OUR FORE FATHERS DID LONG AGO. MAY GOD BLESS THIS COUNTRY ONCE AGAIN…………………………..