Bob Ware (27 Mar 2016)
"Antichrist (2041) + Barack Hussein Obama (1795) + 2016 = 5852 Verses in the Pentateuch"

In this diagram I have created a triangle from three values that total the 5852 verses in the Pentateuch or Torah:
        2041 is the Greek gematria for 'ANTICHRIST'
        1795 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack Hussein Obama'
        2016 is the current Gregorian year
                2041 + 1795 + 2016 = 5852 
The current Jewish year 5776 equals: 76 x 76.
        (76 x 76) + 76 also equals: 5852.
When I placed a circle around this triangle several significant numbers appeared which included the 7957 verses in the New Testament and the 1189 chapters in the Bible. These unexpected anomalies lead me to believe that Obama may be revealed as the Antichrist in 2016.