TH (30 Mar 2014)
"The "DAYS of NOAH"?"


                  The "DAYS of NOAH"?

      We are all familiar with Mathew 24 and JESUS' reference to the
end times being likened to the "days of Noah".  So what similarities can we
draw on to compare how close we may be to the End Times?   According
to Tom Horn, L.A. Marzulli, and many others, we are there now.  Also, did
you know that the first time the Hale-Bopp comet came by the Earth was 
in Noah's day?Hmmm? I wonder if that has any significance? We now have
a "new" movie coming out that is getting much hype, about "Noah".  And
according to pastor J.D. It's about as blasphemous as Hollywood can make
it. It will be shown Worldwide as is most of Hollywood's stuff today.
Wouldn't it be just like the Lord to signal for the rapture to begin during the
"days of Noah" ?  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  It would be just like HIM to do something
like that so that HIS WORD would be fulfilled on every level.  I still can't
keep from chuckling just thinking of the humor of it. I also heard from pastor
J.D. that another "Noah" movie will be aired on U-Tube on Fri the 28th of
March (for free) that is an accurate portrayal of Noah's story and he
recommends watching it instead of patronizing Hollywood's lying version.
Anyway, just a thought from me to you.

       MARANATHA !

                T H