Mike Curtiss (9 Mar 2014)
"Four Ancient Temples, I've Found This Year With Biblical Implications"

Hi Sisters & Brothers,

I need your help and your research input. There's something major going on here. Are this signs? What do you guys think; please?

Earlier this week, I reported the discovery in the City of Sardis and connected Revelation 3 to that once great city.

Earlier this year, I shared the discovery with you of the City of Laodiacia, where lukewarm
Christians will be vomited out of the body.

Earlier this year, I uncovered the City of Pergamon, where the Bible says the seat of satan
dwells. It was there until being sold and carted off to Berlin where the antichrist Hitler would
go mad and murder God's children. I connected the evil of Pergamon to the nearby ruin of the Pluto & the Gates to Hell.

We spoke about the literal Gates of Hell, after a temple ruin honoring Pluto was discovered complete with poisonous gas exactly where the Bible says it would be in modern Turkey.

Now, I've found an obscure Greek ruin, which is dedicated to the male genitalia, erectile dysfunction and social diseases. The ruins show it was the ancient temple of Priapus.


I'm convinced, we're being shown everyone of the seven cities of Revelation 3, because
Jesus is shouting out a warning to God's people. Repent and live in paradise, remain
in sin and endure separation from God forever.

Thank you for reading this far gang. Reach out now, before it's too late.

Agape, Michael Curtiss