Mike Curtiss (24 Mar 2014)
"Basics of Biblical Timekeeping"


Hi Sisters & Brothers,

      The reason we are excited about the Harbinger, two solar and four Blood Moon eclipses can be boiled down to a few simple facts. There are exactly 14 years between 9/11/01 and 9/15/15. There were exactly seven years between 9/11/01 and the stock market crash of 2008. 9/11 was a judgment upon America, the stock market crash took place on the seventh anniversary as further judgment and a warning.
      Lunar eclipses are identified with Israel and the Jewish people, the Jewish calendar is based upon a lunar cycle. Ergo, the Jews are the recipients of the Blood Moon judgments.
     Take a look at the solar eclipses scheduled next, because the whole world keeps track of time by using the solar cycle. In 2015, the world will follow after "a big lie" Jump forward to both remaining solar eclipses in 2015 and 2016. The world will receive her King at the Second Advent in 2016. We have every reason to rejoice, sing praise and spread the good news.
     Thanks for reading this far my friends. If you have any questions or comments please ask.
I'm not setting dates, this is how the situation looks to me.


                                                                 Michael Curtiss