Mary Anna (24 Mar 2014)
"Charles Krauthammer Lists 2 Things Obama Could Do Right Now In Response To The Crisis In Ukraine"

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer made an appearance on the Special Report All Star Panel  last night to discuss the Obama administration¹s lack of a proper response to the crisis in Ukraine. He was asked by host Bret Baier to name two things that the President could do right now ³that would change the equation.²
³Right now, you send the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, tonight, to Kiev ‹ not Geneva, to Kiev ‹ to discuss with the authorities urgent delivery of weapons, defensive weapons, in case the Russians advance into Ukraine, to Kiev,² Krauthammer said. ³Remember, Eastern Ukraine is not as monolithically pro-Russian as Crimea wasŠ²
Krauthammer went on to note that if Russia does attempt to take Eastern Ukraine, there will be a fight.

And, for the longer run, [President Obama] should announce immediately a renewal of the missile defense agreement with the Poles and the Czechs because the only source of strength Russia ultimately has is its nuclear arsenal. With a missile defense, it dissolves into insignificance.²