K.S. Rajan (24 Mar 2014)
"prophecy update"


Israel budgets $3 billion for strike on Iran

  Syria warns Israel more air strikes could destabilize Middle East

  Upon return from US, Abbas vows not to ‘capitulate’

 Look for more assertive Russia in Middle East

  Russia Warns the West it May Side with Iran

  Ukraine's PM: 'crystal clear' that Russia will try to escalate crisis in Ukraine

  The Federal Reserve Seems Quite Serious About Tapering – So What Comes Next?

  Icelandic volcano Hekla is starting to ‘bulge’ with magma amid fears major eruption could happen within days and hit air travel

  5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands

  5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Hualian, Taiwan

  Israeli Company Produces Water Out of… Air

  Noah and the flood: Was God evil?