Jan J (24 Mar 2014)
"Prophetic Bits to Ponder"

As the final days on Earth approach for us who watch for the Rapture,
many are having dreams and visions.
Apparently the microchip has been ready for some time, but God has
kept it from being used.
Is the Malaysian Airliner disappearance a Rapture sign?
The USA is giving up control of the Internet...is this a harbinger of
world control by a man who will govern the world and equate himself
with God? (AC)
I will venture to say that I believe Hal Lindsey is valid and genuine in
his prophetic views.
Recently I was very impressed by Ruis Vega and Pastor Bob in their
sharing of knowledge.
Maybe Time is absolute and not relative, but it really does seem as if
time is going faster and faster.  Maybe it's an illusion, but maybe we
are closer and closer to being brought into and through the gates of eternity.
James S:  Thank you for shedding light on evil extra-terrestrials.
UDA - Had a good laugh about the United Dimwits Association by
Humbly Irrelevant.  Thanks to him. In the midst of what we go through for our stand in Christ, our humor and joy makes us look even more 'dimwit!'
Yellowstone is acting up....releasing Helium -4, which is a precursor of eruption.
Los Angeles had a 4.4 'warning' tremor.  A large eq off the northern coast of California...(God's mercy still).
Arctic weather in the USA this winter.
Strong winds, floods, droughts, abnormal glaring sunshine, intensification of frequency and number of Quakes.
Sinkholes - One of the latest:  A fire engine in Indianapolis on its way
to a fire went into a sinkhole. Sinkholes all over the world.
The Pope is to speak to the U.S. Congress at the invite of Boehner...
does this sound like "One World Religion?"
Netenyahou met with the Pope at the Vatican. In about a week B.O.
is to visit the Vatican, and also the Palestinian leader.  In late May
the Pope is to go to Jerusalem, arriving after the first blood moon. At
this time Comet Linear will be the closest to Earth any comet has been.
The false prophet will answer to the antichrist. The "One World Religion"
has already begun.
Tony Blair is with the World Council Federation/Ecumenical
On 3/18 A dust storm engulfed west Texas:  it was 1000 feet high
and 200 miles wide. It started there and moved into New Mexico.
Recently freak hailstorms have destroyed crops in India. 30,000 villages were affected, leading to farmer suicides.
All of the above topics lead us to fix our eyes upon Jesus and welcome Him soon!