Gina McCray (24 Mar 2014)
"Only 26 more days!! Passover's blood moon appears to be an omen of the Psalm 83 War!"

Obama/Kerry have set an April deadline for forcing their "peace" plan on Israel. This treaty to steal God's Covenant Land from His chosen people of Israel will totally fail.

The Islamic enemies of Israel will soon finally realize that no world power will ever be able to hand them over the land of Israel. Enraged, they will attack & try to to seize Israel by force.

The coming Passover blood moon appears to be an omen of the resulting Psalm 83 War, which will culminate with the prophesied "Covenant with many" from the Book of Daniel.

PREDICTION: The 4th agreed upon "prisoner release" of Palestinian terrorists, by Israel is scheduled for March 29th. Seeing the impending failure of the peace negotiations, Israel will NOT release this final batch of terrorists.

When Israel refuses to fulfill this final pledge of the current "peace" talks, their Muslim enemies will conspire to launch their long awaited plan of a multi-front attack against Israel.

The Psalm 83 War is looming close! May we all prepare for the coming of the Lord! Surely He is near, at the door!