Frank Molver (24 Mar 2014)
"More on missing Malaysian flight, photo's"

I have been following freerepublic web site on the missing flight;page=451
There are a lot of pilots and military people who share that site
about 75% believe it was taken to a place like Pakistan by the Taliban
Gen. McInerney: US hasn't 'come clean' with Flight 370 data
Top U.S. general: Look for missing jet in Pakistan
Apparently Boeing, the Navy and the Israeli intelligence know it is in Pakistan and have focused there attention there in spite of what the mainstream media is leading us to believe
The IDF is on high alert for terror attack as they believe the plane is being weaponized
The 3 Iranian passengers paid cash for their tickets
Cant be traced that way
Part of the flight simulator data was deleted
There was a sighting of the plane over the Maldives about 7 hrs after the plane departed. But there also is disinformation distracting search in the correct areas.
The articles above from the Gen are very convincing
From the drawings of Nicole Poon I believe that the 3 Iranians may have lighted the plane by dropping the bodies over the sea, about 30,000lbs my guess
They had a job to do
Also I believe the pilots may be treated as Islamic heroes and on an Island in the Persian gulf next to Iran. Kish Island fits that bill quite well
This I believe may represent Kish Island, google satellite it
Notice it is a hidden ship with a lookout and flags that may represent heroism to them
19th March 2014/
I still prayed for the same.I told God, many are paying attention on this plane with different motive,to us it could be a sign of your return,but to many other it makes them so worried.Teach us love one another.Thank you so much for that You chose us to have vision in the end times.Help us to keep watch and get ready.And also I asked God for more about the previous vision.
God showed a half of lookout set on a mast by the bay with deep yellow threads, and a guard watching there.
After seeing that,we didn't understand so I prayed again.
God then showed the same vision and added an island and a yacht on it
To me this picture represents that the bodies were tossed into the sea
20th March 2014/
This world is changing rapidly day by day.We pursue but still know a few.We do not know what tricks are being secretly.I asked God,how soon will you come? We do not know. As soon as the rapture take place,many will not know where the believers will have gone.This is what the great hope we have.Help us to prepare ourselves to be taken,to enter your kingdom.Forgive our sins and lead us walking in Your righteousness.
God showed two crabs being on the sand where there were many deep pits with red measure and red liquid in them,that are the dwelling of the crabs.There was a white cross in a woods with a series of red flag.
I think that God now has perpared well many dwellings for us in Heaven with His victory
And yes, the plane is being weaponized, these drawings are prophetic in nature and given during prayer
19th March 2014/
I continued to prayed for the missing plane and those passengers.I asked God,Where did the plane go? And what are they doing now? Is that a sign of your coming?
God showed the plane being controlled by two huge magnets and kept in a camp,a captain giving command to a group of soldiers