Steve Mullin (19 Jun 2022)
"A TON of information is coming to light!"

I haven't mentioned this before, but I firmly believe 9/11/01 was orchestrated by the Bush family, who needed a "New Pearl Harbor event" to justify their actions of attacking Iraq and Al Qaeda.

So those who don't have the Holy Spirit will laugh it off as a conspiracy theory.

1. HW Bush's father Prescott apparently helped the Nazis with his company's steel production during WWII.

2. Both George Sr and George Jr were members of skull and bones (and John Kerry) at Yale. We are seeing more and more how Lucifer uses secret societies such as the freemasons, illuminati, bilderbergs, skull and bones, and more to show these people future wealth or power in exchange for worship, similar to Satan's tempting of Jesus, because they are "his to give" here.

3. Bush Sr always talked about the coming "New World Order" as if it were fact, and was implicated in the JFK assassination while at the CIA.

4. Rumsfeld announced on 9/10/01 that 2 trillion dollars had gone missing.

5. NOTHING HIT WTC 7, the 3rd building and it collapsed--apparently the owner gave the command to "pull it" which is what demolitionists say.

6. The Bush's had family who owned a major demolition company in the same city.

7. Dick Cheney of Halliburton got massive defense contracts as a result of the attack

8. MANY eye witnesses said they were NOT commercial planes and video shows they had a different undercarriage. Also when they were working on the new Pearl harbor event, they talked about drones that could replace commercial aircraft midflight and that's exactly what happened.

9. The only thing on the planet that can melt steel is nanothermite which was found on site and is used in demolition.

10. Many witnesses said they heard multiple explosions and described it as boom boom boom boom boom which is exactly what happens during a controlled demolition.

11. An American TV station announced the collapse of wtc7 BEFORE it happened!

12. A man who had worked at the world trade center for 25 years said that everyone there was not allowed to work over the weekends leading up to the event because of maintenance. That had never happened before.

13.  Anti-trump Bob Mueller was the FBI agent in charge of the 9/11 report. Very many inconsistencies were found in that report. The issue of cell phones being used to call loved ones during the hijackings was glossed over. A Japanese company performed a very documented study about the impossibility of cell phones working at the time at 30k feet. Many of the calls dropped and service was useless above 5,000 ft. This also fits into the drone narrative. The actual passengers may have been on the ground while drones replaced them. There were at least three or four verified cell phone calls during that time line and they were not the GTE in flight phones.

14. Larry Silverstein, the owner of the complex ate breakfast on the top floor of one of the towers religiously--that day, he had a very-rare-for-him doctor's appointment.

15. I believe there was a new insurance policy regarding the entire complex shortly before the event as well.

16. The building that did not get hit WTC 7 supposedly had two to three floors owned by the CIA which may explain why they wanted to destroy it given Bush Sr's involvement.

17. There was a huge conflict with fighter jets that should have been called into action. However, there was conveniently a training that day that had them all somewhere else.

18. The supposed Al Qaeda pilots failed miserably in flight School and yet they pulled off what almost any pilot would tell you is an impossible feat targeting the Pentagon.

19. Supposedly though unverified, one of the hijackers was found alive and recorded at a Canadian bar bragging that he worked for the CIA.

20. Osama bin laden denied being responsible for the attack and his family has connections to the CIA.

21. The morning of the attack, George Bush was at a Sarasota elementary School and the kids were chanting Kite, hit, steel, plane, must! That chant is from something called I Pet Goat.