Neil Lipken (5 Jun 2022)
"Satanic Noose Tightening"

We are now seeing the early beginnings of the coming totalitarian global government under the antichrst during the upcoming 7 year Tribulation Period!   But here is some good news!   The antichrist is being restrained right now by the Holy Spirit, as he cannot step forward on the global stage until the Rapture happens and the Holy Spirit is removed!   Actually that is great news indeed, well for those leaving in the upcoming Rapture.   Unfortunately for those left here on earth after the Rapture, life will become terrifying!   But one even then will still be able to accept Israel's Messiah as their Lord and Savior and gain eternal life when their life is over------- Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, all of Isaiah 53!   These verses prove Who our Jewish Messiah is, and only through Him is there eternal life!   There is no other way!   John 14:6 New Testament!


               P.S.   There is something that I am noticing very much right now.   So many people prefer ignorance and spiritual blindness over learning the truth about what is going on late in these End Times!   Amazing!   The pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, and many other things are very important from a prophetic standpoint!  I could present a huge list!   
                           Here is one more thing----- the promotion of the gay lifestyle as being normal and even good!   Just read about Lot in the Bible and how God destroyed Sodom for this obomination! 

               P.P.S.   If you are Jewish and you are reading this, find a New Testament and read:   2 Corinthians 3:12-18 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I implore you, my Jewish friends, WAKE UP!